How to Use impermanence in a Sentence
In the case of the Notes app, what was lost was impermanence.
—Mirel Zaman,, 12 Sep. 2021
The lives of Ukrainians have long been shaped by impermanence and war.
—The New Yorker, 24 Feb. 2022
But the reality of their true impermanence has left us with even more ghosts to grieve in the wake of Liam’s death.
—Larisha Paul, Rolling Stone, 17 Oct. 2024
Perhaps the check — like the book, the diary, and the sketchpad — is a sort of rebellion against impermanence.
—David Scharfenberg,, 21 Apr. 2018
Buddhism, for instance, talks about the impermanence of life and the cycles of death and rebirth as one of its main tenets.
—Allison Hope, CNN, 21 Mar. 2021
Oh My, is a yearning riff on the impermanence of life itself.
—Pitchfork, 4 Dec. 2023
All of this is made more precious, not less, by its impermanence.
—Kathryn Schulz, The New Yorker, 3 Feb. 2017
Walking in the woods, that smell of decay is a reminder of impermanence and fall's place in the death-to-rebirth cycle.
—David G. Allan, CNN, 22 Sep. 2021
There's something about being aware of the impermanence of life.
—Amy Shoenthal, Forbes, 10 Oct. 2022
But many Uighurs in Turkey find themselves in a state of impermanence.
—New York Times, 21 Dec. 2019
In hindsight, the impermanence of the three deal makers’ strategies is easy to skewer.
—Ed Hammondbloomberg, Los Angeles Times, 4 Oct. 2019
Topics range from the impermanence of love to the challenges of growing older.
—Michael Upchurch, The Seattle Times, 30 July 2017
Embracing the impermanence, much of the Sandlot — which is free to the public — is mobile.
—Wesley Case,, 26 May 2017
To change is really only to come closer to the essence of one’s impermanence.
—Sam Sacks, WSJ, 23 Apr. 2021
Both Buddhists and Navajo cultures have used mandalas made from sand to show the impermanence of life.
—Lyndi McNulty,, 20 Nov. 2019
Stephan learned from her grandmother the impermanence of material things, Stephan tells me, the permanence of the heart and the mind.
—Logan Jenkins,, 18 May 2017
Snapchat, an app that sets itself apart through the impermanence of its video and photo messages, did not comment.
—Melissa Chan, Time, 12 Mar. 2018
That impermanence, combined with the high cost, has led some in Avon question whether beach nourishment is worth the money.
—New York Times, 14 Mar. 2021
Life is constantly changing, and its impermanence is a reminder to be in the present moment.
—Jacqueline Delgadillo,, 3 Oct. 2023
Through her work, Akashi explores universal concepts such as time and space, the impermanence of the natural world and the transience of the human body.
—Andrea Onate, WWD, 17 Sep. 2024
What renders these images so poignant is their sense of impermanence.
—Marina Harss, New York Times, 21 Aug. 2017
Hardy will be knocked out, or will otherwise submit to the impermanence of triumph in mixed martial arts.
—Robert Klemko,, 25 June 2018
Imagine a James shaken, not stirred, by the idea of his own impermanence — and even, perish the thought, irrelevance.
—Leah Greenblatt,, 28 Sep. 2021
Then notice its impermanence; emotions often come and go like clouds floating in the sky.
—Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 14 May 2024
But the movement took off only after the horrors of the Franco-Prussian War drove artists to create works focused on the impermanence of life.
—Staff, The Christian Science Monitor, 18 Sep. 2024
Between heat, wood rot, fire risk and termites, the islands cultivate the idea of impermanence.
—Kristina Linnea Garcia, San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 Mar. 2024
At others, a quiet crypt or a reverent patch of ground calls to attention the impermanence of life and the ever-turning hands of time.
—Nathan Strauss, National Geographic, 14 Oct. 2019
In Walsh’s work, however, the impermanence of the image is not a means to an end — raising awareness, for example — but an end in and of itself.
—Washington Post, 15 Oct. 2020
Part of the problem at the moment is that we are being promised permanence and we are being told that impermanence can be denied.
—, 25 May 2018
The urgency and impermanence of this moment in Georgia was palpable in conversations with providers.
—Ziva Branstetter, ProPublica, 3 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'impermanence.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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