How to Use juggler in a Sentence
The skirl of the bagpipes, the street jugglers, the whisky tastings, the…wait, what the heck is that?
—James Hookway, WSJ, 4 June 2023
There’s still the clowns, the jugglers, the almost freakish things.
—Kathryn Shattuck,, 10 June 2018
Nick Nack is a juggler who interacts with some of the acts.
—Christopher Arnott, Hartford Courant, 28 Apr. 2024
Meanwhile, the offense is like watching a juggler with five plates in the air.
—Doug Lesmerises, cleveland, 14 Mar. 2021
From 11 to 2, a juggler will teach people how to juggle.
—Amy Schwabe, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11 July 2018
There were cheers and chants and speeches, bouncing beach balls, jugglers and cocktails for the above-aged.
—Jim Schaefer, Detroit Free Press, 9 Dec. 2017
For example, a one-beat throw means the juggler simply passes the ball from one hand to the other.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Scientific American, 13 May 2013
Travel back in time to the days of clowns, jugglers, carnies and acrobats with the Great Benjamin Circus.
—Yoshina Okamoto, Anchorage Daily News, 14 June 2018
At one point in the opera, Gandini’s jugglers have fifty-nine balls in the air, and during a battle scene silver clubs flash across the stage.
—Fergus McIntosh, The New Yorker, 2 Dec. 2019
Greg Kennedy, an engineer and juggler, demonstrates physics in a live show.
—Dewayne Bevil, Orlando Sentinel, 14 Feb. 2023
Bunger, a lanky fellow in a blazer, jeans and boots, is not unlike a circus juggler keeping a half dozen balls in the air.
—Steve Rubenstein, San Francisco Chronicle, 6 June 2021
Like the street juggler lovingly described in an early chapter, Mr. Lee keeps many balls in the air.
—Toby Lichtig, WSJ, 9 June 2021
Lottie Brunn did not want to be introduced as the greatest woman juggler of all time.
—New York Times, 21 July 2022
On the tidy Pearl Street Mall, crowds were gathered by burbling fountains to watch buskers, jugglers and flame-swallowers.
—Tony Perrottet, New York Times, 31 Aug. 2016
Without an economic surplus we are left with not even enough to afford a set of the juggler’s mallets and balls.
—William F. Buckley Jr., National Review, 26 Nov. 2020
Mily Fusco, a juggler who has been with the show for several years, said that the crowd is what really gets the show going.
—Samantha Hendrickson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 24 July 2021
There were conventions set up that allowed them to talk to three, four guests a night, bring on jugglers, just kill as much time as possible.
—Don Steinberg, WSJ, 21 Jan. 2019
On the other corner was a juggler, a Cirque du Soleil-qualified juggler.
—Todd Martens, Los Angeles Times, 3 May 2024
One concern about Laning’s scheme was that a surplus of interruptions might clog the CPU, like a juggler thrown too many balls.
—Stephen Witt, WIRED, 24 June 2019
Their modeling confirmed that the three brain regions act like jugglers engaged in a complex game of catch.
—Jordana Cepelewicz, WIRED, 9 June 2018
There was cattle roping, horses, sheep, jugglers and more.
—Scott Bell, Dallas News, 1 Jan. 2020
The circus is coming to town, but the shenanigans happening under this big top aren’t the typical clown, juggler and trapeze acts.
—Richard Guzman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 Dec. 2023
Snitker, at 65 the oldest manager in the Senior Circuit, has proven to be a master juggler.
—Dan Schlossberg, Forbes, 13 May 2021
But all that this young novice had learned in the way of special skills before entering the monastery was to entertain modestly as a juggler.
—William F. Buckley Jr., National Review, 26 Nov. 2020
On the eve of Passover during the Depression, a juggler in ragged clothes is invited into the home of a poor family that has a bare Seder table.
—Penny Schwartz,, 10 Mar. 2021
The connection between the two came out of juggler's attempts to develop a kind of notation for their tricks.
—Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics, 5 Oct. 2017
Your goal is to get to the Venice Pier, an even more colorful, carnival-like spot with everything from jugglers to bodybuilders.
—Dakota Kim, Los Angeles Times, 16 Oct. 2024
To this day, Cain said, Brunn is widely regarded as the fastest woman juggler in history.
—New York Times, 21 July 2022
Its act — clowns, jugglers, snake charmers — has a tired feel, and performers complain about a lack of investment.
—Declan Walsh, New York Times, 29 Mar. 2020
Pop-up parking lot carnivals, major roadways closed in all directions for months, impassioned protests over gas stations ... and, sure, clowns and jugglers in the middle of the road.
—Sabrina Moreno, Axios, 14 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'juggler.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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