How to Use machinist in a Sentence
noun- He is a machinist at the factory.
Rees was a machinist for 25 years and the father of three sons.
—oregonlive, 9 Oct. 2021
At the time, the machinist was part of a crew working to place sandbags around a leak at the station’s base.
—Kat Eschner, Smithsonian, 7 June 2017
At the time, the machinist was part of a crew working to place sandbags around a leak at the station’s base.
—Kat Eschner, Smithsonian, 7 June 2017
The machinists are seeking a 40% pay bump over three years and a seat on the board of directors.
—Allison Morrow, CNN, 12 Apr. 2024
Around the same time there was a hobbyist show for machinists in Visalia, just south of us.
—Skip Adrian, Popular Mechanics, 13 July 2019
Folders are the true test of a smith’s skill as a machinist and designer.
—David E. Petzal, Field & Stream, 16 Feb. 2019
Modrow was born in 1928 in what was then the German town of Jasenitz — now Jasienica in Poland — and trained as a machinist.
—Reuters, NBC News, 11 Feb. 2023
My father came here a few years before us and worked as a machinist.
—Jane Thier, Fortune, 14 Jan. 2024
As a young machinist for Colt's Firearms, Clarke King joined a union and his passion for workers' rights was born.
—Jenna Carlesso, Courant Community, 24 July 2017
His father, a machinist, died when Denevan was five years old.
—Irene S. Levine, Forbes, 17 Oct. 2021
Mark qualified for a pension of about $1,100 a month from the machinists union.
—Sean P. Murphy,, 12 Jan. 2020
Linda was the middle child and shared a special bond with her Dad, Richard, a machinist.
—CBS News, 16 Oct. 2021
It’s rated to support 1,450 pounds, so don’t be shy about bolting a hearty machinist vise or even a drill press to the top.
—Jack Baruth, Popular Mechanics, 29 Mar. 2023
Thomas McCoy, a 55-year-old machinist, cast his first votes on one of the new machines Tuesday in Cartersville.
—Russ Bynum, Twin Cities, 5 Nov. 2019
Dan Vassh, a machinist from Racine, set up a grill by his pickup and took a photo of brats and hot dogs cooking.
—Bill Glauber, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12 Apr. 2021
The son of a machinist, Coleman was only 13 years old when his father died.
—Christopher Keating, Hartford Courant, 30 Nov. 2022
Three years ago, Darian Perez had a job as a machinist and an apartment in Phoenix.
—Yana Kunichoff, The Arizona Republic, 26 Jan. 2022
That can be cured by applying machinist’s rosin or Barge Cement to the rings.
—David E. Petzal, Field & Stream, 5 May 2020
Available machinists are so rare that Mr. Lippert has had to train some of his other workers to do the job.
—Shayndi Raice, WSJ, 30 Apr. 2018
He was employed as a machinist at Stanley Tools for many years.
—Hartford Courant,, 21 June 2018
Hyde, a machinist, has said in court documents that he's worked in the industry all his life.
—Kevin Krause, Dallas News, 19 Aug. 2019
His father was a machinist making tools used in oil drilling, and his mother catered food.
—Washington Post, 9 Sep. 2020
Today, mom is a full-time homemaker and dad works as a machinist.
—David Whiting, Orange County Register, 2 June 2017
The couple raised four children on her husband’s pay as a machinist.
—oregonlive, 15 June 2020
As the machinists get back to work, management will have to address a host of other problems.
—David Koenig, Fortune, 6 Nov. 2024
The person who tested positive had worked as a machinist, Palmer said in an e-mail.
—Michelle Theriault Boots, Anchorage Daily News, 6 May 2020
Volkov was a skilled machinist, with his own house and garden plot, and life was OK by Soviet standards.
—Fred Weir, The Christian Science Monitor, 26 Dec. 2017
The labor standoff — the first strike by Boeing machinists since an eight-week walkout in 2008 — is the latest setback in a volatile year for the aerospace giant.
—David Koenig, Los Angeles Times, 5 Nov. 2024
The machinists' union endorsed this latest version of the contract and encouraged its members to approve.
—Zach Wichter, USA TODAY, 5 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'machinist.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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