How to Use marsupial in a Sentence
This marsupial ate both meat and plants, and spent part of its days up in the trees.
—Sean Greene,, 23 May 2018
But the Maremma is here to protect the marsupial, not hunt it.
—Anthony Ham, Smithsonian Magazine, 18 Nov. 2021
One opossum found out the hard way that marsupials and dance halls don't mix.
—Kelli Bender, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023
But this marsupial has places to be and pests to devour.
—Elaine Godfrey, The Atlantic, 20 July 2022
For those who happen to be fans of both Bruno Mars and marsupials, prepare for your hearts to melt.
—Abby Jones, Billboard, 29 Mar. 2018
In New South Wales, around 2,000 of the marsupials have died, according to
—Meredith Carey, Condé Nast Traveler, 6 Jan. 2020
The effort is the latest step to allow the tiny marsupial to rebound.
—Anthony Ham, Smithsonian Magazine, 18 Nov. 2021
The southern marsupial mole was found to have fluorescent fur, but the species is blind, writes the Guardian.
—Will Sullivan, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Oct. 2023
Tuesday marked the first time Eastern quolls, a species of small Australian marsupial, have been returned to the wild.
—National Geographic, 15 Mar. 2018
One pooch found antechinus species in the Scenic Rim, an area that hadn't seen the marsupial since the late 1980s, Baker says.
—Kelly Murray, CNN, 15 May 2018
Zuck's notebooks are open and marsupials aren't copin', but first: a cartoon about smart cars.
—Alex Baker-Whitcomb, Wired, 12 Feb. 2020
The dusky pademelon is a marsupial found on the islands around Indonesia and on New Guinea.
—Zoe Sottile, CNN, 10 Apr. 2022
This one is wind and waterproof, with a large marsupial-like pocket and a hood.
—Mark Stock, Men's Health, 24 Aug. 2022
Then sales surged Gutierrez said the CHP had received similar calls about a marsupial in the area in years past.
—Chase Difeliciantonio, San Francisco Chronicle, 18 Mar. 2023
While the goal was to resurrect the extinct marsupial, the project ended a few years later.
—Discover Magazine, 27 Feb. 2015
More than 350 of the marsupials are feared to have been killed by the fires, according to animal experts.
—Joshua Berlinger, CNN, 26 Nov. 2019
Nadia Tugwell, with her coat in hand, teamed up with a stranger clutching a blanket in a bid to capture the marsupial.
—Author: Rod McGuirk, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Feb. 2021
Like all marsupials, possums have pouches and give birth to live young.
—National Geographic, 6 Mar. 2020
The name suggests the image of an overgrown marsupial that hasn’t left its mother’s pouch.
—NBC News, 30 May 2021
The baby raptor may have fed on a thumb-size marsupial called Unnuakomys or the tiny mammal Cimolodon, the study said.
—Katie Hunt, CNN, 8 July 2020
Many view the marsupials as pests which destroy pasture and cause crashes by hopping in front of cars.
—The Economist, 15 Mar. 2018
Standing around three feet high, the modern koala is roughly 25 pounds of claws and teeth, tufty ears and fluffy white marsupial tummy.
—Natasha Frost, New York Times, 18 Sep. 2023
Yes, a marsupial from down under was hopping around a Texas city.
—Taylor Pettaway, San Antonio Express-News, 15 June 2021
The year 2012 is featured, which is the year his son was born; and the toy robot tucked into the pouch of a marsupial-like critter is a nod to the boy pretending to be a robot.
—Deborah Martin, San Antonio Express-News, 28 Dec. 2021
One of the Mansfields' neighbors, Mike Vicars, also caught video of the marsupials.
—Matthew Martinez, star-telegram, 5 May 2018
Researchers have shed new light on the fossil remains of a huge bear-sized marsupial that once roamed Australia.
—Fox News, 26 June 2020
Implant the embryo into a female marsupial such as a quoll, and watch the quoll give birth to a thylacine baby.
—Frances Vinall, Washington Post, 26 May 2022
The marsupial is a land animal normally at home in the Australian bush and forests.
—People Staff,, 29 Mar. 2022
Numbats—small, endangered marsupials that live in Australia—are at risk of overheating amid global warming, a new study finds.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 16 Jan. 2024
These carnivorous marsupials, which resemble a mousy shrew, have just three weeks to mate with as many females as possible.
—Jack Tamisiea, Scientific American, 25 Jan. 2024
The birds didn't have teeth and the bite marks from marsupial teeth don't match those on the bone.
—Ashley Strickland, CNN, 25 Aug. 2020
The dogs sniff for koala fur or the marsupial’s feces to locate them.
—Caitlin Yilek, Washington Examiner, 10 Jan. 2020
About 23 million years ago in Australia, a marsupial lion lived in the open forest and spent part of its life in trees.
—Ashley Strickland, CNN, 23 May 2018
Some South and Central American frogs in the Gastrotheca genus, like the horned marsupial frog, brood their eggs in a pouch under the skin on mom’s back.
—Liz Langley, National Geographic, 11 Mar. 2017
The jacket was a smothering embrace, like a marsupial pouch I was born into and had no desire to crawl out of.
—Rachel Syme, The New Yorker, 16 Feb. 2017
The tiger, or thylacine, was the world’s largest marsupial carnivore.
—Rob Taylor, WSJ, 11 Dec. 2017
But the Tasmanian tiger, the marsupial lion and Megalania (a 1,300-pound lizard) are gone.
—Erin Biba, Scientific American, 1 Aug. 2017
The eastern quoll, a cat-sized marsupial with pointy ears and speckled fur, was once found throughout south-eastern Australia.
—Brigit Katz, Smithsonian, 10 July 2018
Throwing away the original name my dad had bequeathed me over a marsupial joke.
—Jodie Chan, Marie Claire, 19 Mar. 2021
But Australian dung beetles were used to recycling marsupial dung and could not tackle the cow chips.
—Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, WSJ, 20 June 2019
Female kangaroos rarely have twins, but marsupial words can have two or even three joeys.
—Melissa Mohr, The Christian Science Monitor, 2 Aug. 2021
According to the Florida zoo, the marsupial baby emerged from its mother’s pouch for the first time this week, offering keepers and guests their first peek at the first koala joey to be born at the zoo.
—Kelli Bender,, 19 June 2019
Outdoors, the renderings show that a metal roof with light fixtures will go where Lakefront had an old tent under the marsupial Holton Street Bridge.
—Jordyn Noennig, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4 Apr. 2022
The Tasmanian tiger, known to science as the thylacine, was the only member of its genus of marsupial carnivores to live to modern times.
—Brooke Jarvis, The New Yorker, 16 Jan. 2012
The beetles had made a significant ecological leap from the hard, dry nuggets of marsupial dung to which they were adapted.
—Richard Jones, Smithsonian, 10 Jan. 2018
The lab plans to develop a biobank of frozen marsupial cells so individuals could be cloned and released.
—Frances Vinall, Washington Post, 26 May 2022
But fair warning — in some cases, these packs can make their wearers look like marsupial moms carrying their little joeys to term.
—Julie Ma, The Cut, 22 Feb. 2018
The practice isn’t unheard of: 19 marsupial species in the family Dasyuridae, which includes quolls, are semelparous.
—Margaret Osborne, Smithsonian Magazine, 2 Feb. 2023
Toogie, an 18-year-old sulcata tortoise, will be on hand too, as will Ham the fainting goat and a host of other mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and even a marsupial or two.
—Joe Rubino, The Denver Post, 5 June 2017
The show follows the story of three spunky marsupial siblings as their adventures lead them to new heights and new opportunities for learning.
—Common Sense Media, Washington Post, 17 Feb. 2023
And unlike any other creature in the animal kingdom, this marsupial poops cubes.
—Jill Kiedaisch, Popular Mechanics, 20 Nov. 2018
The Tasmanian devil is the world's largest surviving marsupial carnivore and typically lives for up to six years in the wild.
—Julia Musto, Fox News, 28 May 2021
Specialists working on the island say the fires have killed thousands of koalas and kangaroos, and also have raised questions about whether any members of a mouse-like marsupial species that carries its young in a pouch have survived.
—Nick Perry,, 5 Jan. 2020
Around 23 million years ago, during the late Oligocene era, this marsupial lion roamed in northwestern Queensland, Australia.
—Sarah Gray, Fortune, 23 May 2018
When a deputy arrived at the scene there was indeed a marsupial wandering around rural Palmetto State County.
—Kathleen Joyce, Fox News, 16 May 2018
Pask claims the marsupial species could potentially be recreated using gene editing technology and could be reintroduced to the wild within in the next decade.
—Ariana Garcia, Chron, 17 Aug. 2022
But now, new research suggests that the marsupial sabertooth, Thylacosmilus atrox, was more likely a scavenger than a death-dealing predator.
—Alex Fox, Smithsonian Magazine, 31 July 2020
To make matters worse, humans have caused the extinction of several of the kangaroo's natural predators, such as the thylacine—a marsupial resembling a dog.
—Ben Panko, Smithsonian, 12 Sep. 2017
The animal is the Leadbeater’s possum, an adorable little marsupial native to the acacia forests of central Victoria in Australia.
—National Geographic, 14 Sep. 2017
But while early evidence for it goes back to a marsupial fossil that’s upwards of 3 million years old, finding hints of it — or a similar infection — nearly 250 million years ago is a surprise.
—Gemma Tarlach, Discover Magazine, 5 June 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'marsupial.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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