How to Use mastiff in a Sentence
Odin, a brown and black bull mastiff with a white chest, was in the truck.
—Austen Erblat,, 12 Dec. 2020
The mastiffs guard the sheep and the village from lurking wolves.
—Jane Horwitz, The Denver Post, 24 Feb. 2017
One day, the old man flees for the forest, the mastiff in pursuit.
—New York Times, 2 May 2018
The English Mastiff left his paw print in the cement as well.
—Madeleine Marr, miamiherald, 25 May 2017
The mastiff was so weak that Benjamin had to lift it into his squad car.
—Shannon Prather, Star Tribune, 20 Aug. 2020
Six types of bulldogs and 18 types of mastiffs also are banned.
—Lauren Zumbach,, 1 May 2018
This cross of a bulldog and mastiff is a large breed dog, known to be a good companion and work dog.
—Cameron Jenkins, Good Housekeeping, 25 Nov. 2022
But Smokey is a cane corso, an Italian breed of mastiff, not a pit bull or a mix of pit bull breeds.
—Paige Eichkorn, Arkansas Online, 13 Aug. 2023
Childers says the deputies checking on the victim were approached by the two dogs, a German shepherd and a type of mastiff.
—Christine Pelisek, Peoplemag, 25 Oct. 2022
Guarding the prized flock are nine Spanish mastiffs, worth $2,500 apiece.
—Cori Petersen, WSJ, 27 July 2018
Now extinct, the dog is believed to be the foundation for the modern mastiff.
—David Kindy, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 Jan. 2022
David and Rachel share their home with an 11-year-old mastiff, an 8-year-old Labrador, and a 7-year-old catahoula leopard dog.
—Cathy M. Rosenthal, San Antonio Express-News, 15 June 2018
The couple threw a few pairs of underwear in a bag, then loaded Brighton and their other mastiff, Reese, in the truck.
—Outside Online, 3 Dec. 2020
And not even another large breed such as a Great Pyrenees or a mastiff or an Irish wolfhound.
—Arkansas Online, 8 Aug. 2020
Their home is guarded by two mastiffs, and jaguars and tigers frequently roam around their eight-acre yard.
—Washington Post, 9 May 2020
Along for the ride is Diamond’s 3-year-old, 170-pound English mastiff.
—Christopher Arnott,, 17 Jan. 2022
Many sport smudged eye black on their cheeks and wear necklaces made of plastic dog bones in honor of the team’s mascot, a bull mastiff named Chomps.
—Charlotte Wilder,, 8 Sep. 2019
Hey suggests, because a Chihuahua cannot jump high enough to make puppies with a mastiff.
—Richard Conniff, Discover Magazine, 18 Nov. 2010
What a duo: joker and curmudgeon, greyhound and mastiff, Black and white.
—Anthony Lane, The New Yorker, 15 July 2024
Duke, a 16-year-old pit bull and mastiff mix, died after receiving burns on roughly 70% of his body.
—Jose R. Gonzalez, The Arizona Republic, 14 Mar. 2024
Mohawk Hudson, for instance, has a lot of pit bulls, mastiffs and cane corsos.
—Michael Hill, Fortune, 20 Dec. 2023
Just as there are inherent differences in a mastiff and a chihuahua, our body size and shape will vary too.
—Sarah Schlichter, Outside Online, 28 May 2021
Another breed that received votes is the Tibetan mastiff, a rare breed that few people know a lot about.
—Cathy Kozlowicz, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 26 Nov. 2019
Shyla, a mastiff, was injured when the pet carrier fell to the ground in January.
—Michelle Gilchrist,, 28 Apr. 2017
The last owners, a couple with four kids, even left him their big white Alentejo mastiff, a local breed.
—Jay Cheshes, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Jan. 2024
Kevin Hart: Chihuahua The combative, diminutive foil to his (mastiff) co-star.
—Rohita Kadambi, The New Yorker, 8 Feb. 2024
An elderly mastiff mix was found running loose and was taken to the shelter.
—Washington Post, 18 July 2017
Layla Bug Layla Bug is a 5-year-old mastiff mix who enjoys walks and cuddling.
—Marina Johnson, The Courier-Journal, 30 Apr. 2024
The Tibetan mastiff is often considered the most expensive dog since the breed has sold for up to millions of dollars.
—Olivia Munson, USA TODAY, 17 Aug. 2024
Below the castle, rusting wire pens once held Della’s mastiffs; on the patio, an aviary for her exotic birds still stands.
—Laura Daniella Sepulveda, The Arizona Republic, 8 July 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'mastiff.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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