How to Use nonvoting in a Sentence
Both were on the force’s four-person board, with the chief a nonvoting member.
—Alexa Corse, WSJ, 9 Mar. 2021
O’Rourke’s campaign mantra is that Texas is not a red state, but a nonvoting state.
—Andrew Rice, Daily Intelligencer, 10 July 2018
That leaves the other 98% to the Holdfast Collective, who holds all of the nonvoting stock.
—Wyatte Grantham-Philips, USA TODAY, 15 Sep. 2022
The secretary of state would become a nonvoting member of the board and no longer chair it.
—Quinn Scanlan, ABC News, 25 Mar. 2021
Leaders of the system responded this week by granting him a nonvoting voice in the search.
—Susan Svrluga, Washington Post, 1 July 2022
But the old man, who goes by Jerry, remains firmly in charge even at 89, thanks to his voting shares and role as trustee for trusts that hold the siblings’ nonvoting stock.
—Larry Edelman,, 3 Jan. 2021
Part of the package may include nonvoting preferred stock.
—Gillian Tanbloomberg, Los Angeles Times, 16 Oct. 2019
There’s to be one nonvoting member each from the private sector and the faith community.
—John Hudson, Washington Post, 16 Mar. 2024
To help keep students central to the efforts, Coleman proposed adding a nonvoting student member to the board.
—Olivia Krauth, The Courier-Journal, 3 June 2020
Of the 10 House Republicans who co-sponsored the bill last year, three have since left Congress and one is a nonvoting delegate.
—Grace Segers, The New Republic, 27 July 2023
The owners retain almost all voting right through Class B shares, as opposed to publicly-traded, nonvoting Class A shares.
—Eric Wallerstein, WSJ, 22 Nov. 2022
John Samuelsen, international president of the Transport Workers Union and a nonvoting member of the board, was not present.
—Evan Simko-Bednarski, New York Daily News, 27 Mar. 2024
Whenever Nathan—a nonvoting member of the board of directors and a huge pain to the company’s PR department—puts his foot in his mouth, the corporation gags.
—John Anderson, WSJ, 21 Apr. 2021
Nikias remains a faculty member and a nonvoting trustee.
—Matt Hamilton, Los Angeles Times, 25 Mar. 2021
Under any rule tweak, though, research has shown, the nonvoting public and the voting public don’t differ much except in affluence.
—WSJ, 26 Mar. 2021
The decision to leave the 47-nation body was more definitive than the lesser option of staying on as a nonvoting observer.
—Carol Morello,, 19 June 2018
An eighth member, who will be a nonvoting member, will be selected at a future council meeting.
—Tammy Murga, San Diego Union-Tribune, 25 Nov. 2023
In exchange for the cash Bombardier, will receive additional, but nonvoting shares, in the partnership.
—Paul Vieira, WSJ, 16 Oct. 2017
The school board has seven members with an additional nonvoting seat for a student member.
—Jess Nocera, Howard County Times, 27 June 2018
Katona has been serving as the nonvoting caretaker of the 10th District since Ridley-Thomas was suspended from his post.
—David Zahniserstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 21 Mar. 2022
The board, composed of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms and the architect of the Capitol, along with the police chief as a nonvoting ex officio member, took no position on the recommendations.
—Arkansas Online, 26 Feb. 2022
Martinez picked Karly Katona, Ridley-Thomas’ then-chief of staff, to serve as a nonvoting caretaker.
—David Zahniser, Los Angeles Times, 30 Aug. 2022
As expected, four companies bought about 40 percent of the available nonvoting shares.
—Tori Latham, Robb Report, 29 Sep. 2022
At one point during the meeting, some of the parents in the audience began shouting at Andrea S. Pita Mendez, a 17-year-old high school senior who sits on the board as a nonvoting student adviser.
—Tim Craig, Washington Post, 8 Sep. 2022
While Wesson is sidelined, chief of staff Heather Hutt is serving as the district’s temporary nonvoting caretaker.
—David Zahniser, Los Angeles Times, 28 July 2022
In addition, there will be three regular nonvoting experts along with expert witnesses who will serve on a case-by-case basis.
—Kala Kachmar, The Courier-Journal, 30 Dec. 2022
German car maker Daimler AG , which owns nonvoting shares equal to 4.9% of the ordinary equity, will maintain its holding.
—William Boston, WSJ, 20 Sep. 2018
That breakthrough came after Skydance worked to sweeten the deal and give nonvoting shareholders the ability to exit the company at a slight premium.
—Meg James, Los Angeles Times, 11 June 2024
Sunday best: Householder will not relax the chamber’s dress code -- even on weekends or during nonvoting sessions.
—Laura Hancock,, 8 July 2019
And because the vast majority of voters live in states or districts safe for one party or the other, nonvoting is not entirely irrational.
—Lee Drutman, Washington Post, 19 Aug. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nonvoting.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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