How to Use occultism in a Sentence
Like most things in John Constantine's world, K-Mag comes complete with a sinister dose of occultism in his own right.
—Graeme McMillan, The Hollywood Reporter, 31 Oct. 2019
By the 1990s, Dungeons & Dragons had become wrapped up in the Satanic Panic — railed against by the religious right and seen to be a gateway drug of sorts into occultism.
—Elisabeth Garber-Paul, Rolling Stone, 15 July 2022
This year, however, Halloween may actually get a little too spooky: The moon in Pisces highlights your eighth house, the area of your chart that governs death, occultism, and things that go bump in the night.
—Aliza Kelly Faragher, Allure, 30 Oct. 2017
The occultism is omnipresent, and the movie is less interested in scaring the pants off of you than in constantly nudging you about how near to your own reality this whole scenario seems to be.
—Dylan Scott, Vox, 19 Oct. 2018
Well before the rise of punk and heavy metal, Anger was juxtaposing music with bikers, sadomasochism, occultism and Nazi imagery.
—Hillel Italie,, 24 May 2023
Myths of Nazi occultism had a basis in the Nazi's short-lived ventures in archaeology and experimental missile and plane projects.
—David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 14 Mar. 2017
The items acquired by the museum included a walnut table, a Burmese chest in which Yeats stored manuscripts, a series of Japanese masks, and a collection of objects that show the influence of occultism and spiritualism on Yeats’s work.
—Anna Codrea-Rado, New York Times, 27 Sep. 2017
By 1960, anyway, the Surrealists were fishing in the murky waters of occultism, and the scientifically minded Oulipians had more than one reason to want to distance themselves.
—Luc Sante, Harper's magazine, 10 Jan. 2019
Some weird ones, like occultism, shamanism, and various Eastern spiritual paths.
—, 27 Oct. 2021
The Harry Potter series, with its incantations and wizardry, has also come under fire (and brimstone) for ostensibly promoting occultism.
—Clyde Haberman, New York Times, 17 Apr. 2016
Cult leader and convicted killer Charles Manson, who died on Sunday (Nov. 19) at the age of 83, built his own perverse mythology upon a foundation of occultism, race war conspiracy theories and, ultimately, murder.
—Bryan Rolli, Billboard, 21 Nov. 2017
Their approach has also ruffled feathers – members of the community have written complaints to local authorities voicing concern that their approach promotes occultism.
—Dominique Soguel, The Christian Science Monitor, 18 Oct. 2021
Cotterill has a gift for tempering bad stuff — specifically, the baffling and chaotic political climate of communism circa 1980 — with gently ironic humor and frequent doses of slightly kooky occultism.
—Adam Woog, The Seattle Times, 3 Sep. 2017
With their portal-like, sculptural presence and ghostly images, the chic works of this rarely exhibited suite seductively conjure the menacing undercurrent of both nineteenth-century occultism and contemporary mass-media enchantment.
—The New Yorker, 31 Mar. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'occultism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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