How to Use olden in a Sentence
adjective- What was life like in the olden days?
In olden times, sailors used the frayed end of a rope dipped in saltwater.
—Michael E. Ruane,, 21 Mar. 2020
But now One Chicago bar is taking the Mai Tai back to the olden days.
—Tori Latham, Robb Report, 17 Apr. 2023
In the olden days, writers were taught to put the mark –30– at the bottom of a story to indicate the end.
—Helene Elliott, Los Angeles Times, 27 Feb. 2024
Just like in the olden days, Antioch had the coal mines and people worked there.
—Letters To The Editor, The Mercury News, 27 June 2024
When dinner was over, the kids left the house and went outside to play, which is something children did in the olden days.
—Lisa Scottoline,, 24 June 2017
This wasn’t a problem back in olden times, when the setting of the sun ended light exposure for the day.
—Brian Resnick, Vox, 27 Apr. 2018
In ye olden days of 2012, e-books were often cheaper than hard copies.
—Shira Ovide, Washington Post, 26 May 2023
David, Don Quixote lived in olden times, when people were very strict about the kind of stories that were allowed to be told.
—J. M. Coetzee, Harper's Magazine, 27 Apr. 2020
Prefer learning about the, ahem, saucier side of olden times?
—Jenna Schnuer, Anchorage Daily News, 28 June 2021
That myth also implies that the unions that emerged in those olden times are no longer necessary.
—David Scott Witwer, Quartz, 5 Dec. 2019
In the olden days, people applied perfume and talcum powder to try to cover up the smell of BO.
—WIRED, 30 Sep. 2023
Yes, a long time ago was a decade when the coolest thing a girl could have was a collection of dolls with outfits and books designed to teach them about the olden days.
—Maura Judkis, Washington Post, 1 Mar. 2023
However, the cost of living has risen in Seattle since the olden days, and these jokers are making about the same salary.
—Lincee Ray,, 5 May 2023
In ye olden days, a lord or lady might wear a locket holding an image of their beloved or a ring made of a lock of their lover's hair.
—Elizabeth Logan, Teen Vogue, 18 Jan. 2018
The handmade crystal decanter is designed around the shape of a ‘dirk,’ a Scottish dagger of olden times.
—Joseph V Micallef, Forbes, 7 Jan. 2023
Which is why Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider (circa ye olden days of 2001) will always have a place in our hearts.
—Mehera Bonner, Marie Claire, 27 Mar. 2017
Which is why Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider (circa ye olden days of 2001) will always have a place in our hearts.
—Mehera Bonner, Marie Claire, 27 Mar. 2017
In the olden, more golden days of Hollywood, there were 50 shades of the often-sappy staple.
—Andrea Mandell, USA TODAY, 7 Sep. 2017
The midwife suggested finding a milk donor — a concept Christensen thought was just for the olden days.
—Meredith Newman, Kansas City Star, 24 Jan. 2024
The Cesar salad is served tableside in a throwback to the olden, golden days.
—Liza B. Zimmerman, Forbes, 12 Nov. 2021
Like Potter or Mason in olden times, terms like Googlers and Vimeans are used today to connect people to their jobs.
—Leslie Shapiro, Washington Post, 21 Mar. 2023
De Angeli’s light use of olden-day language is lilting and skillful, giving color and depth to the tale.
—Sarah Schutte, National Review, 20 June 2021
Taylor has been designing for the company since back in ye olden days of 2009.
—Mehera Bonner, Marie Claire, 23 Aug. 2017
In olden times, the only human pastimes were A) reading books and B) staring at the sky and wondering if a cloud looked like a cow or a duck.
—Jason Gay, WSJ, 14 Jan. 2022
In ye olden days, these cards would store some actual data like contacts and messages, but with the advent of smartphones, all of that moved to the cloud.
—Ron Amadeo, Ars Technica, 3 Mar. 2023
After all, the Silver Sixties of the olden days pale in comparison to the transcendent ’90s of the golden days.
—Mike Bianchi,, 13 Aug. 2017
New York has long loomed large in the traveller’s imagination, most notably in the olden, jet-setting days when getting there was half the fun.
—Nicholas D. Lowry, The New Yorker, 25 Mar. 2024
Of course today the Tiergarten is statues, but in olden days was a real hunting ground for Berlin’s elite, with deer and wild animals.
—Etan Vlessing, The Hollywood Reporter, 16 Feb. 2024
Think of it like battle orders delivered in olden times.
—Lily Hay Newman, Wired, 18 June 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'olden.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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