How to Use opportunism in a Sentence
To Arai, all this smacked of opportunism and hypocrisy.
—Esther Wang, Curbed, 17 Dec. 2021
The embrace of hazy IPA may smack of opportunism, but Dubovick doesn't care.
—Josh Noel,, 5 July 2017
Oregon stabbed many in the back with its move and took opportunism to a slimy no-trust extreme.
—Ndaschel, oregonlive, 8 Aug. 2023
Has Qatar’s opportunism – trying to play so many sides – come back to haunt it?
—Jen Kirby, Daily Intelligencer, 11 June 2017
Williams has shown a knack for patience and opportunism.
—Chadd Cripe, idahostatesman, 14 Dec. 2017
This isn’t just opportunism, a shot at grabbing street space while most cars are parked.
—Alex Davies, Wired, 13 Apr. 2020
Masayoshi Son’s keen sense of opportunism has allowed him to pull off some of his biggest deals to date.
—Tim Culpan | Bloomberg, Washington Post, 24 Apr. 2019
There was more than a little opportunism here: The league would save clubs like Real Madrid.
—Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 23 Apr. 2021
There has been much talk of double standards, opportunism, hypocrisy and all of the things that make politicians rather easy to call out.
—Mark Leibovich, New York Times, 25 Feb. 2021
This opportunism is matched by a more overt sense of ambition.
—Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post, 22 Mar. 2023
And the concept that baseball can take us away from that is a false narrative at best and crass opportunism at worst.
—Gabe Lacques, USA TODAY, 4 July 2020
The crime and opportunism that often follow big storms has been a notable non-factor, at least for now.
—Tamara Lush, The Seattle Times, 6 Sep. 2017
The crime and opportunism that often follows big storms has been a notable non-factor, at least for now.
—Washington Post, 6 Sep. 2017
Sometimes there’s an unavoidable whiff of opportunism in the air.
—Nell Beram, New York Times, 2 July 2018
In Makowsky’s telling, the Roslyn scandal wasn’t a simple case of opportunism, greed, or even, as suggested in the movie, sociopathy.
—Holly Ojalvo, Quartz, 22 Apr. 2020
Some women who waited years to speak out were accused of opportunism.
—Arno Pedram,, 7 July 2020
There is an unmistakable sense of opportunism in the air, and a touch of imagination.
—Rob Mahoney,, 18 July 2019
Some of this cultural cross-pollination, of course, had the stench of opportunism.
—New York Times, 27 Aug. 2019
But if the British leader attempts to play both sides out of opportunism, the U.S. president’s search for middle ground is born of pragmatism.
—Washington Post, 10 June 2021
For the same reason that motivates most of Putin's actions: opportunism.
—Eliot Borenstein, CNN, 28 Mar. 2022
Political opportunism was a big impetus for the speech, said two of the people.
—Christian Shepherd, Washington Post, 31 Dec. 2022
So its push to sell gas to desperate buyers overseas isn’t just opportunism.
—Tim McDonnell, Quartz, 11 Aug. 2022
The opportunism has put some local governments on guard.
—Jeffrey Kluger, Time, 10 Aug. 2017
Benson advocates opportunism: survivors may need to scrounge and steal, poach game, trap muskrats.
—Dana Goodyear, The New Yorker, 8 Mar. 2021
The Republicans could resume their opportunism over the deficit should the economic winds turn.
—Washington Post, 30 Apr. 2021
Consumers, too, have taken a hit as the culls contribute to soaring egg prices, though that may be due in part to opportunism from egg suppliers.
—Melody Schreiber, The New Republic, 21 Feb. 2023
The economics of opportunism is obvious at every stage in this great shift.
—Marilynne Robinson, The New York Review of Books, 27 May 2020
This may sound like naked opportunism in the midst of a campaign, but gun control has been the through-line of Feinstein's political career.
—Seema Mehta,, 28 Mar. 2018
Dancing around Spider-Man without ever getting to use him also contributed to the feeling that these spin-off films were merely exercises in, ahem, craven opportunism.
—Adam B. Vary, Variety, 14 Dec. 2024
An astounding amount for five days of purchases, forced up by widely reported and criticized price opportunism from gas suppliers.
—Llewellyn King, Forbes, 2 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'opportunism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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