How to Use parable in a Sentence
noun- He told the children a parable about the importance of forgiveness.
My life felt like a parable of the rewards of hard work.
—Emi Nietfeld, Longreads, 13 Dec. 2019
Remember the parable of the blind men and the elephant?
—Tamar Haspel, Washington Post, 23 Jan. 2023
By this point, the frogs are starting to tell parables about us.
—Foreign Affairs, 10 July 2017
The coffee bean parable isn’t new, and it’s not always the same.
—Kevin Sherrington, Dallas News, 1 Oct. 2020
Unanchored from the world that helped birth it, the play becomes a parable.
—Vinson Cunningham, The New Yorker, 9 Sep. 2019
The whole film plays out like a long parable based on Kipling’s poem.
—Alissa Wilkinson, Vox, 12 Apr. 2018
That double turnover play is the perfect parable for the Cougars.
—Norma Gonzalez, The Salt Lake Tribune, 19 Sep. 2021
In the parable, two men walking along the road encounter a half-frozen snake.
—Glenn Garvin, miamiherald, 3 June 2018
Some of the pieces read like poems; some like parables, some like punch lines.
—Bradley Babendir, New Republic, 10 July 2017
There’s a parable about a frog in a boiling pot of water on a stove.
—Jenny Aurthur, Longreads, 4 May 2018
The idea is to really bring the parables to life through song and humor.
—Jessi Virtusio, Post-Tribune, 15 Feb. 2018
At one point, Jobs pleaded his case with a parable of sorts.
—Claire Zillman, Fortune, 25 Sep. 2017
Jones turns to the Bible parable of Cain, who killed his brother Able out of jealousy.
—Saphara Harrell, oregonlive, 18 Apr. 2021
The Hachiya, while worth waiting for, is still a parable on patience.
—Carla Lalli Music, Bon Appétit, 23 Jan. 2020
There's a little bit of a parable in this fishing thing.
—Dalton Ross,, 7 Apr. 2022
Jesus touched on this with the parable of the Good Samaritan.
—Amy MacKelden, Harper's BAZAAR, 26 Dec. 2020
In between the parables, there are songs that include lyrics from hymns.
—Brooke Coughlan,, 22 July 2019
The pontiff took as his central text the parable of the Good Samaritan.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 5 Oct. 2020
The name 99 Plus 1 is a reference to a Biblical parable of the lost sheep, Cizek said.
—Emily Goodykoontz, Anchorage Daily News, 14 Sep. 2021
As a parable of the power of sports, the story is irresistible.
—Louisa Thomas, The New Yorker, 22 Oct. 2019
The Ramblers are less of a parable and more of a paragon for the beauty of college basketball.
—Christopher L. Gasper,, 31 Mar. 2018
No preachments are preached, no parables are dwelled on.
—Joe Morgenstern, WSJ, 9 Dec. 2017
And a British teen sings a timely parable about consent.
—Raisa Bruner, Time, 19 Jan. 2018
Like the parable of the blind men and the elephant, Benji’s is a different culinary beast.
—Anchorage Daily News, 23 Oct. 2019
The parables are amazing crowd work, almost joke-telling, right?
—Hazlitt, 3 Apr. 2024
Taken as one, the story has the precision of a parable.
—Andrew Klavan, WSJ, 4 June 2018
The narrative puts a 2020s spin on the age-old parable of the promising child actor who goes off the rails later in life.
—Chris Gardner, The Hollywood Reporter, 22 June 2023
These are parables with one goal: to get us to the epiphanic moment in which their heroines become aware of patriarchy, in painful and reality-disrupting fashion.
—Sanjena Sathian, Vulture, 5 Sep. 2024
The song feels like the confessional early raps of West, who’d deliver street parables on everything from love, shopping, and religion.
—Jeff Ihaza, Rolling Stone, 30 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'parable.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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