How to Use pyroclastic in a Sentence
As much as 20% of the island was covered in ash from the pyroclastic flows and fallout from the eruption.
— Erik Klemetti, Wired News, 2 June 2015 -
Grey-brown deposits of pyroclastic flows extend from the dome in stark contrast to the snows on its slopes.
— Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 11 Nov. 2022 -
Unzen would erupt on June 3, killing the Kraffts along with 41 others in a pyroclastic flow.
— Henry Hullah, CNN, 28 July 2022 -
But both were equally helpless when the torrent of gas and dust, called a pyroclastic flow, swept down the slopes of Vesuvius.
— Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica, 23 Nov. 2020 -
The couple got caught in a pyroclastic flow and died, along with more than three dozen other people in the eruption.
— Patrick Ryan, USA TODAY, 9 Feb. 2023 -
The pair appeared to use the bedroom to hide from the falling pumice during the eruption, which occurred in 79 A.D., and the room's seal caused the pair to be crushed from the volcano's pyroclastic flow.
— James Powel, USA TODAY, 13 Aug. 2024 -
But there he was hit by the massive stone block -- perhaps a doorjamb -- possibly hurled at him by the force of the pyroclastic flow.
— CNN, 29 May 2018 -
Unlike the fine ash at Omo Kibish, the pumice at Shala is made of chunks of rock piled up to 20 meters thick thanks to ancient pyroclastic flows, and that is very date-able.
— Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica, 21 Jan. 2022 -
The pyroclastic flow that followed minutes later buried the lodge under 30 feet of ash.
— Scott Lafee, San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 June 2022 -
The scattered set of bones mostly belonged to someone at least 50 years old, who may have been laying in bed when the pyroclastic flow swept through town.
— Kiona N. Smith, Ars Technica, 28 Dec. 2020 -
All evidence points to an earthquake hitting after the first phase of the eruption, but before the pyroclastic flows swept through the city, the researchers say.
— Byalex Epshtein,, 18 July 2024 -
The pyroclastic flows themselves, which is what actually killed most of the victims, were well done, Lopes says.
— Geoffrey Giller, Scientific American, 20 Feb. 2014 -
Ash has dusted the region and some localized pyroclastic flows—masses of hot rock and gas—have been seen.
— National Geographic, 4 Mar. 2016 -
The agency asked residents to be cautious against pyroclastic flows — a hot and mobile mixture of rock, gas and ash — within about 1.2 miles of the site.
— Sammy Westfall, Washington Post, 24 July 2022 -
Lava could conceivably reach the town, but the greater threat there is that an eruption could trigger a pyroclastic flow — a fast-moving cloud of hot ash and gas.
— The Seattle Times,, 8 May 2018 -
The force from these pyroclastic flows formed tsunamis that slammed into nearby islands.
— Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi, Discover Magazine, 6 June 2023 -
The collapse of these clouds causes a deadly avalanche of hot rocks, gas, and volcanic ash that races down the mountainside in a deadly pyroclastic flow.
— Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 4 June 2018 -
In Guatemala, where the Fuego volcano erupted with pyroclastic flows on Sunday, more than 100 people were killed and more are missing.
— Louisa Reynolds, The Christian Science Monitor, 8 June 2018 -
The man and woman died as a result of being buried by hot gas and volcanic matter, also known as pyroclastic flow.
— Karen K. Ho,, 12 Aug. 2024 -
The study is one of the first to try and answer this question using satellite mapping of volcanic debris called pyroclastic flows.
— National Geographic, 24 July 2017 -
After a wave of hot gas and ash, called a pyroclastic flow, engulfed nearby Pompeii and killed those left in the city, more layers of ash from the eruption buried the buildings and bodies.
— Geoffrey Giller, Scientific American, 20 Feb. 2014 -
Thousands of buildings were damaged by the eruption as well, mainly due to collapsed roofs from ash and the mudflows/pyroclastic flows.
— Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 6 Dec. 2021 -
The Japan Meteorological Agency, which raised the alert level for the volcano to 3 on a scale of 5, flagged a risk of falling rocks and pyroclastic flows around the crater — one of the world’s largest.
— Washington Post, 20 Oct. 2021 -
But the historic fate of the city, and many of its residents, was sealed hours later with the arrival of pyroclastic flows, fast-moving, superheated clouds of gas and dust.
— Michael Irving, New Atlas, 19 July 2024 -
Some hours later, pyroclastic flows—masses of hot gas and ash—hurtled down the mountain, covering the city and killing any survivors.
— Byalex Epshtein,, 18 July 2024 -
Once the eruption happened, half of that 1000 cubic kilometers spilled out away from the area as pyroclastic flows while the other half fell into the caldera formed by the collapse of the land during the eruption.
— Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 20 Sep. 2023 -
There had been several small debris flows beginning on May 15 of that year, with the first small pyroclastic flow forming on May 24.
— Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 17 Jan. 2023 -
The bright spots are thought to be pyroclastic ash linked to ancient explosive volcanism that lasted billions of years, Charles Q. Choi wrote for in 2014.
— Julissa Treviño, Smithsonian, 17 Apr. 2018 -
Each time the volcano exploded, hot gas and volcanic matter (called pyroclastic flow) burst into the ocean.
— Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi, Discover Magazine, 6 June 2023 -
Avalanches of hot gas and debris called pyroclastic flows raced down the mountain, engulfing whole villages at the bottom, Tafreshi said.
— National Geographic, 26 Aug. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'pyroclastic.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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