How to Use python in a Sentence
The straps—made in python, suede, fur or leather and...
—Manuela Mesco, WSJ, 15 Jan. 2017
The study notes that the deer consumed by the python in the clip was 66.9% of the snake's mass.
—Brenton Blanchet,, 25 Oct. 2024
Summer is the best time of year to see a Burmese python.
—Jennifer Borresen, USA TODAY, 8 Aug. 2024
The pythons do try to make the most of their abilities though.
—Michael Irving, New Atlas, 1 Nov. 2024
Since that time, more than 2,500 pythons have been killed by hunters.
—Leada Gore |, al, 18 Sep. 2019
The python was lying on the side of the road in the town of Medford on Long Island.
—Zoe Sottile, CNN, 5 Mar. 2023
The duo says the best time to remove pythons is in the middle of the night when the pythons are the most active.
—Sydney Bishop, CNN, 10 Aug. 2024
Per reports, the python was 13 feet long and weighed more than 45 lbs.
—Charna Flam, Peoplemag, 19 Sep. 2024
Seeing the python extend to its full length gave the group pause.
—Daniel Wu, Anchorage Daily News, 14 July 2023
The python, which has not been given a name, laid the eggs July 23.
—CBS News, 11 Sep. 2020
Those who are not claimed will be fed to Mr. Grazi’s pet ball python, Mr. Clip.
—Sarah Maslin Nir, New York Times, 29 Oct. 2017
Smith says Tom Rahill and Lopez Cantera brought in a 15-foot-4-inch python.
—CBS News, 16 May 2017
This year’s prize for the longest snake went to Dustin Crum for a python that stretched just over 11 feet.
—Margaret Osborne, Smithsonian Magazine, 2 Nov. 2022
Call the guys who pull pythons out of the plumbing in Florida.
—Ed Kilgore, Daily Intelligencer, 7 July 2017
Both the preserve and the national park are within the core ranges for Burmese pythons in the state.
—Dac Collins, Outdoor Life, 24 Oct. 2024
That’s the case for some of the Asian Vipers or American rattlesnakes, or pythons and boas.
—Sofia Quaglia, Discover Magazine, 21 Feb. 2023
With the triumph of the moment waning, Pavlidis handed the python over to Kalil.
—Rebecca Renner, Outside Online, 14 May 2020
In Southeast Asia, the Burmese python has been nearly snuffed out.
—Marion Renault, New York Times, 13 Aug. 2019
The one that was not removed shows a live rabbit being fed to a python.
—, 20 Oct. 2021
The resident told OnScene TV the snake was a 10-foot ball python.
—Alex Riggins, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 Oct. 2020
And this guy comes on a motorcycle, slid down the bank and lept up on this python.
—Los Angeles Times, 7 Aug. 2019
Scientists think the python that snagged the opossum must have been about 16 feet long.
—Meghan Bartels, Scientific American, 20 Mar. 2023
The snapshot shows all four snake catchers holding the lengthy python.
—Kelli Bender, Peoplemag, 10 Jan. 2023
According to Kalil, the most humane way to kill a python is with a shot to the brain or blunt-force trauma to the head.
—Rebecca Renner, Outside Online, 14 May 2020
The largest snake found in the house was a 14-foot Burmese python, according to officials.
—Zoe Christen Jones, CBS News, 13 Apr. 2022
Senanayake said the patient lived near a lake that was also home to carpet pythons.
—Mithil Aggarwal, NBC News, 29 Aug. 2023
Rock pythons are the largest species of snake in Africa and kill their prey by squeezing them and depriving them of air.
—Fernando Ramirez, Houston Chronicle, 24 Jan. 2018
But Prairie Dog isn’t the only collared mammal that has faced a python.
—Meghan Bartels, Scientific American, 20 Mar. 2023
The head of the 10-foot nonvenomous diamond python emerged through a space in a shelf above the spice jars in the Sydney store.
—NBC News, 18 Aug. 2021
The two then called police, and deputies were able to wrangle the python into a pillowcase and out of the bathroom.
—Amaris Encinas, USA TODAY, 14 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'python.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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