How to Use quant in a Sentence
The quants have beaten the spread in 10 of the last 14 Super Bowls.
—Josh Petri,, 31 Jan. 2018
But, every quant on the right makes that point from time to time.
—Wilfred Reilly, National Review, 11 Dec. 2023
Trend-chasing quants post the worst returns in 17 years.
—, 7 Mar. 2018
Not since the early adapters and the quants learned that much of the orthodoxy of hitting was stone-cold wrong.
—Tom Verducci,, 21 Mar. 2018
The quants and their algorithms may have taken over Wall Street.
—Jennifer Schuessler, New York Times, 16 Jan. 2018
But that doesn’t mean the quants aren’t doing something valuable.
—Jay Caspian Kang, The New Yorker, 13 June 2023
Wells Fargo's quants think the Patriots will win the Super Bowl.
—Josh Petri,, 31 Jan. 2018
JPMorgan quants say risks are growing for a bond short-squeeze.
—Joanna Ossinger,, 23 Feb. 2018
Other banks that built a following with quants were damaged as well.
—Hugh Son,, 5 Apr. 2018
The players who had qualified weren’t all oddball quants and gamblers.
—Jay Caspian Kang, New York Times, 6 Jan. 2016
Really, though, how did the quant put that together so quickly?
—, 4 June 2018
For some quants, comfortable in the world of numbers but not metaphors, this might prove intimidating.
—Chris Ballard,, 8 Mar. 2018
Here’s what one of the world’s top quants has to say about how robots are taking over global financial markets, and his great hopes for the technology.
—Amy Gunia / Hong Kong, Time, 21 Dec. 2019
In the 40 years that have passed since James published his first treatise on baseball statistics, the debate between the quants and the traditionalists has been dour and joyless.
—Jay Caspian Kang, New York Times, 29 Aug. 2017
Girardi wanted to bench the slumping slugger, while Cashman and his quants suggested Carter deserved a longer leash.
—Alex Putterman, The Atlantic, 3 Nov. 2017
Picking stocks well enough to beat the overall market is very difficult, even for super-smart Wall Street quants who spend hours a day poring over data and staring at Bloomberg machines.
—Thomas Heath, Washington Post, 19 July 2019
Meanwhile, in another building elsewhere, Taylor is grooming her quants to be Axe 2.0.
—, 4 June 2018
About 10 years ago Facebook created a team of engineers, product managers and quants whose sole job was to identify all the things that convinced users to spend time on Facebook and tell their friends about it.
—Fred Vogelstein, WIRED, 30 Mar. 2018
One quantitative analyst, or quant, estimates the failure rate in live tests at about 90%.
—Washington Post, 24 Sep. 2019
After enjoying a record-breaking year betting against bonds—hoping to profit from rising yields and interest rates—some quants are nearly back to square one.
—Eric Wallerstein, WSJ, 17 Mar. 2023
Managers are the game’s aristocrats, powerless next to the Ivy League quants who have become the faces of their franchises but comparatively divine.
—Chris Jones, New York Times, 14 Sep. 2017
Three years ago quant funds became the largest source of institutional trading volume in the American stockmarket (see chart 2).
—The Economist, 5 Oct. 2019
The quants were supposed to provide a pathway out of the thicket of bad narratives, but that hope came from a fundamental misunderstanding of what the models were trying to measure.
—Jay Caspian Kang, The New Yorker, 13 June 2023
The event serves as an annual showdown among investors who rely on computer models and are known as quants, professional...
—Gregory Zuckerman, WSJ, 28 Apr. 2017
Pump-and-dump stock schemers could create an A.I. stock-picker that writes false analyst reports, thus triggering automated quants to sell and causing flash crashes in the market.
—Rachel Aviv, The New Yorker, 25 May 2018
My mantra to support the poets and not just the quants coming from Deming’s data (and my personal belief) that writing and communication skills, problem solving and the ability to work in a team are the keys to success.
—Neil Senturia, San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 Oct. 2019
Today, hedge funds and other quantitative, or quant, investors are the market’s largest players, controlling 31% of all stock trading, inspired by the success of Simons and his colleagues.
—Gregory Zuckerman, Quartz, 6 Nov. 2019
Elsewhere within Point72, Mr. Cohen has tried to blend quant and fundamental approaches.
—Gregory Zuckerman, WSJ, 2 Mar. 2020
Behind the models employed by quants are algorithms, or investment recipes, that automatically buy and sell based on pre-set inputs.
—Gunjan Banerji, WSJ, 25 Dec. 2018
Activist investors have long employed big data, a team of quants and high-speed computers to find vulnerable boards to bully and cajole into changing strategy.
—Adrian Croft, Fortune, 6 Feb. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'quant.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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