How to Use rationality in a Sentence
In the semiconductor world, the job of restoring rationality to the supply chain falls to the foundries.
—Nicolás Rivero, Quartz, 5 May 2021
But at least there was a smidgen of rationality in what Maddon said.
—Kevin Acee,, 21 June 2017
My rationality squelched any impulse to let loose on the ice.
—Morgan Korn, ABC News, 15 Feb. 2020
After the crash, the market entered a kind of golden age of rationality and calm.
—Shawn Tully, Fortune, 13 June 2023
The arrival of an SS officer who, against all rationality and in spite of herself, rekindles in her the spark of love.
—Nick Vivarelli, Variety, 16 May 2024
But the mogul has never allowed himself to be hemmed in by the dictates of rationality.
—Eric Levitz, Daily Intelligencer, 22 June 2017
Cook doesn't seem likely as a third, but there at least would be some rationality behind such a move.
—Michael Middlehurst-Schwartz, USA TODAY, 8 June 2023
Of course, someone who is in love is not going to be in peak form where rationality is concerned.
—New York Times, 3 Dec. 2019
And therein lies the rub with the Bolt's commitment to EV rationality.
—Joey Capparella, Car and Driver, 28 Apr. 2020
By noon, over 200 people were waiting in a line that stretched around the block, a line that showed no signs of tapering off with rationality.
—Ars Staff, Ars Technica, 29 June 2017
This incredible pair of cat boots Apologies, but all rationality has fled in the wake of these cat boots.
—Madison Durham, USA TODAY, 21 Feb. 2020
France has always been a realm of Cartesian rationality, of the abstract.
—Rachel Donadio, The New York Review of Books, 24 June 2020
In modern terms, the tale goes like this: Your brain is a battleground between rationality on one hand and urges and emotions on the other.
—Lisa Feldman Barrett, Scientific American, 8 Aug. 2024
The computer, which is the result of a five-year project, processes speech and is equipped with human-like thought and rationality.
—Fox News, 19 June 2018
The question of whether to have a child was, for Paul, a sort of riddle that illuminated the limits of rationality.
—Alice Gregory, The New Yorker, 2 Dec. 2024
From first page to last, D.O., as he was known by everyone in his agency, hammered home the doctrine of rationality.
—Bruce McCall, The New Yorker, 12 Dec. 2020
Already gone from the mix is Gov. Hochul’s noble effort to bring some rationality to school funding.
—New York Daily News Editorial Board, New York Daily News, 5 Apr. 2024
Its roots stretch all the way back to the ancient Greeks, who emphasized the role of human rationality in figuring out how to lead a good and flourishing life.
—Sigal Samuel, Vox, 20 Oct. 2024
Christmas movies don’t have to abide by any standards of rationality.
—Chloe Foussianes, Town & Country, 15 Dec. 2020
The stockmarket, in so far as rationality can be ascribed to it, came down on the side of those saying that the central bank has not really started to ease.
—The Economist, 30 June 2018
But when Mearsheimer and Rosato begin to spell out their own theory of rationality, the book’s claims unravel.
—Foreign Affairs, 24 Oct. 2023
The time is not for a knee-jerk reaction like a blanket ban, but at least introducing a little rationality in the field.
—Kunal Sawhney, Fortune, 26 Jan. 2022
If this isn’t a leap forward for fairness or rationality, it ...
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 2 May 2023
Whatever, at some point during those 6 plays for 0 yards, Taylor crossed the line of rationality.
—Paul Daugherty, The Enquirer, 4 Jan. 2022
The winner proves the boldest, if most likely to allow hubris to overtake rationality.
—Philip Elliott, Time, 17 Jan. 2023
The drop is a harsh dose of rationality much needed in an environment that rewards big promises and falls prey to hype, investors said.
—Gerrit De Vynck, Washington Post, 26 Oct. 2022
Hank knows what’s about to happen, even though he’s appealed to Peter’s rationality.
—Ben Rosenstock, Vulture, 12 Feb. 2024
This Angell took as a sign of rationality over emotion.
—Daniel Yergin, The Atlantic, 15 Dec. 2020
The dream of the 18th century was that a single, coherent set of values, rooted in rationality, could make a heaven on Earth.
—Alison Gopnik, The Atlantic, 17 Mar. 2018
Someone in a position of authority can remove all rationality from a person’s responses.
—Mike Sacks, Vulture, 4 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'rationality.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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