How to Use residual in a Sentence
All that dried up as Netflix went global and the show aged, and the residuals slowed to a trickle.
—Michael Schulman, The New Yorker, 12 July 2023
So thank you writer’s guild, the residuals are still coming in.
—Brayden Garcia, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 2 Feb. 2024
And the original streamer no longer has to pay residuals.
—R.j. Rico, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Apr. 2023
The five-star prep prospect has yet to approach 1,000 minutes in a season, the residual of twice breaking the same leg in high school and a pesky knee problem last year.
—Mark Zeigler,, 3 Oct. 2017
Keeping the residuals from the beans and tomatoes in the pan, add another 2 healthy glugs of olive oil and warm over medium heat, until the oil is all nice and shiny.
—Alex Delany, Bon Appetit, 4 May 2017
Keeping the residuals from the beans and tomatoes in the pan, add another 2 healthy glugs of olive oil and warm over medium heat, until the oil is all nice and shiny.
—Alex Delany, Bon Appetit, 4 May 2017
The nightmare of the 2017 special Senate election, the residual of which Moore is still living, seemed far away at that instant.
—Paul Gattis |, al, 29 Feb. 2020
Liquid meth that was cooling was located in the freezer and residuals on roasting pans were found in the kitchen.
—Fox News, 10 May 2018
Jordyn can catch residuals, yes, but making her the target is trash.
—Nicole Saunders, Harper's BAZAAR, 1 Mar. 2019
For Lazar, the No. 1 issue at stake in the strike is the amount of money actors receive in those royalty payments, known as residuals.
—USA TODAY, 17 July 2023
Though Duane and Tisha will not be sanctioned by the court, the trustee will continue to collect all incoming residuals.
—Aurelie Corinthios,, 18 Apr. 2018
That still leaves the residual of approvals squeezing our resources.
—Aegis Reader Commentary, Baltimore Sun, 12 Jan. 2024
A new residual is payable for licenses to such services.
—Jonathan Handel, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 May 2017
In truth, that strike was as much about securing higher DVD residuals.
—Toni Fitzgerald, Forbes, 18 Apr. 2023
That's because your lease's residual—the value the automaker predicted your car would be worth when the lease ends—is fixed in the contract.
—Clifford Atiyeh, Car and Driver, 23 Apr. 2022
In this phase of the pandemic, think of hospitalizations as the residual.
—WSJ, 14 Dec. 2021
Series and films viewed by 20% or more of the service's domestic subscribers in the first 90 days of release will receive a sizable bonus in residuals.
—Max Zahn, ABC News, 27 Sep. 2023
The stakes are high: At issue are residuals, higher wages, staffing minimums, AI limits, and more.
—Kirbie Johnson, Allure, 28 July 2023
Each additional year a show is on a streamer, the residuals decrease.
—R.j. Rico, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Apr. 2023
The actors’ union wants more transparency and higher pay for the streaming equivalent of TV residuals, which are payments linked to the revenue the show earns over time.
—Ananya Bhattacharya, Quartz, 18 July 2023
The measures would represent a 76% increase in foreign residuals for the largest platforms.
—Anousha Sakoui, Los Angeles Times, 4 June 2023
Certainly not anyone who doesn’t already have a bunch of savings or residuals coming in from things that were made five or 10 years ago.
—Jonathan Handel, The Hollywood Reporter, 14 Sep. 2019
Reducing payments of residuals is the main incentive to do so.
—Chris Isidore, CNN, 30 June 2023
The actors’ union is focused on many of the same issues as the writers, including streaming residuals and hikes in minimums.
—Gene Maddaus, Variety, 20 Sep. 2023
The group suggested a bottom-up residual structure whereby top earners would be the last to collect residuals rather than the first.
—Zack Sharf, Variety, 7 Nov. 2023
In a recent quarter, the cable residuals totaled $1,400.
—Stacy Perman, Los Angeles Times, 10 July 2023
There’s also the matter of shrinking residuals — the percentage of profits some writers get each time their show is re-aired or licensed.
—Anne Branigin, Washington Post, 29 May 2023
Bonner helps a special teams unit that could suffer from residuals of Holland (knees) being out.
—David Furones, Sun Sentinel, 13 Jan. 2024
Set for life thanks to residuals, the Seinfeld co-creator meanders around Los Angeles’ wealthiest neighborhoods, playing golf, making scenes in restaurants, and taking on inessential projects.
—TIME, 2 Feb. 2024
The issues at hand included the use of AI in generating and perpetuating actors' likenesses, as well as residuals and data transparency for streaming projects.
—, 8 Nov. 2023
- She's still dealing with the residual effects of the accident.
The residual heat of the pasta makes the dish luscious and silky.
—Anna Luisa Rodriguez, Washington Post, 2 Aug. 2023
Wipe the mat with the damp cloth to remove any residual dish soap left on the surface of the mat.
—Good Housekeeping, 28 Mar. 2023
The residual heat in the skillet will warm through the thyme, giving the herb the chance to infuse the carrots with its woodsy flavor.
—Jasmine Smith, Southern Living, 5 Sep. 2023
Will the residual trade-in be hurt by the Impreza’s battery issue?
—cleveland, 16 Sep. 2023
That, more than any residual disappointment, was the way to end this trip to the Final Four.
—Dave Hyde, Sun Sentinel, 1 Apr. 2023
The center should still slightly jiggle, but will firm up from the residual heat.
—G. Daniela Galarza, Washington Post, 10 Nov. 2022
Leave the whole apparatus on the stove, and let the residual heat and steam gently melt the chocolate and butter.
—Charlotte Druckman, WSJ, 1 Feb. 2023
Stir in harissa and cinnamon, and add back in the chicken and any residual juices.
—Emily Weinstein, Charlotte Observer, 30 Jan. 2024
This would flush out any residual food and plaque buildup prior to brushing your teeth.
—Popular Science, 14 Mar. 2024
Turn off the heat, turn potatoes and use residual heat to sear reverse side, 2 minutes more.
—Kitty Greenwald, WSJ, 26 Dec. 2023
This figure is based on the residual value of the vehicle.
—Elizabeth Rivelli, Car and Driver, 20 Dec. 2022
The town had some depressed areas and some residual narcotics were flowing around the streets.
—Nikolas Lanum, Fox News, 6 July 2023
At that time, a big issue was residual payments from DVD sales.
—Erica Werner, Washington Post, 27 Aug. 2023
Some residual night-time smoke could affect the campgrounds tonight.
—Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Arkansas Online, 20 Feb. 2023
The residual question now burns across the greater metro area: Who will pay for its demolition?
—Neal B. Freeman, National Review, 27 Feb. 2024
Then, right before serving, the crinkly potatoes are lightly smashed and seared in the same pan used to cook the steaks—a clever way to exploit the residual flavors as the meat rests.
—Kitty Greenwald, WSJ, 26 Dec. 2023
Tuesday’s temperatures are the residual effects of the cold front that made its way to North Texas over the weekend.
—Dallas News, 18 Oct. 2022
During the last contract, the studios agreed to boost the residual rates, which has led to more residuals being paid.
—Anousha Sakoui, Los Angeles Times, 9 May 2023
This enables the residual heat of the liquid to gently cook the meat through without overcooking.
—Ian Knauer, WSJ, 4 Jan. 2024
So, for most writers, that sounds like a much better deal than the old-fashioned residual system.
—Lesley Goldberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 23 Aug. 2023
But after the virus leaves your body, a persistent dry cough (caused by residual mucus) can stick around for days or weeks.
—Nicole Harris, Parents, 10 July 2023
One of the main points of contention throughout the process has been residual payments for movies and TV shows that appear on streaming services.
—Paolo Confino, Fortune, 12 Oct. 2023
Dry weather is forecast for early to mid week in the Bay Area and north Central Coast, though there may be some residual clouding.
—Julia Wick, Los Angeles Times, 2 Sep. 2023
That doesn’t take into account all the residual costs of bad hiring choices.
—Joseph Soares, Forbes, 29 Dec. 2022
To her, the biggest issue is fairness in writers’ residual pay.
—William Earl, Variety, 2 May 2023
The heated spike caramelizes the residual sugars in the beer, creating a fine layer of dense, marshmallow-y foam.
—Griffin Sweet, Bon Appétit, 24 Nov. 2023
Try to nap earlier in the day and keep it short; napping longer than 30 minutes can leave some residual drowsiness that is harder to shake off.
—Jireh Deng, Los Angeles Times, 6 Mar. 2024
Asked about the goal, Smith showcases a blend of relief and residual frustration.
—oregonlive, 7 July 2023
The unions are trying to pry more data out of the studios, in hopes that shows that perform better on streaming can get paid a higher residual.
—Gene Maddaus, Variety, 13 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'residual.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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