How to Use segregationist in a Sentence


  • Here’s a joke: Q: What did the Nazi say to the segregationist?
    Michael Harriot, The Root, 25 Oct. 2017
  • For segregationists, the anger was sparked by having to share space with those who didn’t look like them.
    Robin Givhan, Washington Post, 14 July 2024
  • On the first day of the new school year, angry mobs of segregationists confronted the nine students on their way to Central.
    Lina Mai, Time, 22 Sep. 2017
  • All the segregationists were in the Democratic party, or the lion’s share of them, almost all of them.
    Nr Staff, National Review, 22 June 2019
  • Rebelling against the segregationists in her midst, Holdman joined drives to register black voters in the South in the 1960s.
    The New York Times,, 24 July 2017
  • While on the campaign trail in 2016, President Trump tied present-day Democrats to the party's segregationist past.
    Dominick Mastrangelo, Washington Examiner, 11 June 2020
  • The mayor likened the struggle to fulfill the goal of bringing low-income housing to those neighborhoods to the segregationist South of decades ago.
    Téa Kvetenadze, New York Daily News, 29 July 2024
  • The bullet, fired by segregationist James Earl Ray, hit him in his lower right jaw, entered his neck and fractured his spine.
    Jenny Jarvie,, 4 Apr. 2018
  • Part of the impetus of the conversation was the statements that the vice president made about his work with segregationists.
    Matt Stevens,, 5 July 2019
  • Dreher does not claim to be anything so gauche as a segregationist or a neo-Confederate.
    Sarah Jones, New Republic, 25 Jan. 2018
  • DeRose knew Smith was a segregationist at heart and observers at the time accused him of inserting gender into the civil rights bill as a way to scuttle it.
    Rodney Ho, ajc, 23 Aug. 2021
  • The subsequent vote ended in a tie for seating or rejecting the Loyal Democrats—a shocking blow to the segregationists.
    Samuel G. Freedman, Smithsonian Magazine, 19 July 2023
  • The worst of the worst bigots, segregationists and white supremacists in public and private life aligned squarely against the practice.
    Eric Zorn,, 2 July 2019
  • Kennedy knew that, for any Democrat of his era, a successful run at the White House would mean appeasing white Southern segregationists.
    Vincent J. Cannato, WSJ, 26 July 2017
  • According to segregationist thinking, the racist customs of the South were her own to determine.
    Zz Packer, The New Yorker, 27 Sep. 2020
  • Near the entrance to the museum, there’s a wall of powerful segregationists, all white politicians of the period.
    Bill McKibben, The New Yorker, 25 Oct. 2024
  • The elder Stennis was a segregationist much of his career.
    Emily Wagster Pettus, The Denver Post, 13 June 2020
  • The facilities were previously named with the help of segregationists who held sway in the Jim Crow-era South and were all in states that joined the Confederacy.
    Alex Horton, Washington Post, 16 Dec. 2023
  • The national monument preserves the site of the Greyhound bus station as well as the location of the bus burning by white segregationists.
    Erin Edgemon,, 21 June 2017
  • In the June debates Harris revealed that she was being bussed to school while Biden was palling around with segregationists, resulting in the most talked about moment of those debates and a bump for Harris in the polls.
    Ephrat Livni, Quartz, 30 July 2019
  • In 1961, an event at Abernathy’s church hosted by King drew a huge crowd, but the church was soon surrounded by a mob of white segregationists who began throwing rocks through windows.
    al, 22 Jan. 2020
  • Among the larger people, there’s a segregationist faction called Think Big.
    Charles McGrath, The New Yorker, 7 Aug. 2023
  • But the measure was blocked a year later by a filibuster in the Senate led by segregationist Southerners.
    Marianne Levine, Washington Post, 8 Dec. 2023
  • As the great-granddaughter of slaveowners and the daughter of a segregationist, Mulholland said she was often referred to as a traitor to her race for her civil rights work.
    Tori B. Powell, CBS News, 28 May 2022
  • The charge was used against him – most notably by former Sen. Strom Thurmond, a segregationist, who read his arrest record on the Senate floor and used it to delegitimize the civil rights movement.
    Leah Asmelash, CNN, 1 June 2023
  • Dr. King met with Johnson, who had been a former segregationist.
    Tommy Tomlinson, Esquire, 25 Apr. 2017
  • Speaking to a room full of obscenely wealthy people on Tuesday, Joe Biden took a break from asking for money to praise a segregationist—in the name of civility, of course.
    Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 20 June 2019
  • The images in this monograph — many of which Peck includes in the doc — revealed the violent segregationist policies that ordered South African life and forced Cole into exile.
    Lovia Gyarkye, The Hollywood Reporter, 21 May 2024
  • That made the staunchly segregationist Wallace an ally, although their alliance was far from obvious in the governor’s rhetoric.
    Brucie Porter / Made By History, TIME, 5 Dec. 2024
  • Bridges and her mother had to be escorted by federal marshals under the loud jeers of segregationists who protested her pursuit of a basic education.
    NBC News, 29 Dec. 2024

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'segregationist.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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