How to Use stereotyped in a Sentence
All that fire and horror and angst feel stereotyped in their own right.
—Los Angeles Times, 20 Sep. 2021
Those who had the strongest need for structure also made the most stereotyped judgements.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 7 Apr. 2011
Instead of stereotyped as a nerd who spends all of his time with a controller in his hands, he is seen as an elite competitor.
—Dallas News, 7 May 2020
But look past this stereotyped approach and Malibu Kitchen can be a delicious trip.
—David Farley, New York Times, 2 Dec. 2017
But Brazilians longed for a more nuanced, less stereotyped portrait.
—Los Angeles Times, 13 Aug. 2021
The findings, Vitale said, show that cats, stereotyped as distant loners, have gotten a bad rap.
—oregonlive, 24 Sep. 2019
Pitt’s Jimmy was the show’s least stereotyped character.
—Matthew Gilbert,, 19 Apr. 2018
Chatfield says that the producers wanted to avoid tokenism, as well as stereotyped portrayals of people of colour on the show.
—Alicia Vrajlal,, 20 June 2023
In a scene from the film, the two enact a stereotyped version of homosexuality as a form of prison yard humor.
—Aja Romano, Vox, 5 Jan. 2019
Damore wasn’t fired for harboring stereotyped views about women.
—Michelle Goldberg, Slate Magazine, 8 Aug. 2017
The litany of restrictions might seem odd for a state that’s solidly Democratic and is known—or at least stereotyped—as being easygoing and fun.
—Olga Khazan, The Atlantic, 3 Nov. 2017
Hartnell had been known for playing authority figures and heavies, and saw Doctor Who as a way out of this stereotyped rut.
—Cameron K McEwan, The Hollywood Reporter, 19 Aug. 2023
For years, Asian women have been stereotyped as quiet, passive, and compliant.
—Deanna Pai, Glamour, 24 May 2018
It’s become something of a stereotyped custom in running communities to chow down on pasta the night before a big race.
—Outside Online, 1 Sep. 2021
Yet trans women who are very feminine are often accused of going over the top and presenting a stereotyped idea of what women should be.
—Jeanne Carstensen, New York Times, 22 June 2017
But the first blush at the field reveals a big problem for the Republican Party and its stereotyped image as white dudes running the world between tennis matches at the country club.
—Philip Elliott, TIME, 5 Oct. 2023
On the other side, bisexual women are almost always stereotyped to be straight.
—Eliel Cruz, SELF, 1 July 2017
There’s not a hint of overly stereotyped rivalry or cattiness, just unflinching loyalty in the face of a cruel world.
—Maureen Lee Lenker,, 12 Sep. 2019
Finally, in a co-ed setting, girls feel the pressures to conform to more stereotyped gender roles, rather than feeling empowered to seek new challenges and take initiative.
—Marissa Miller, Teen Vogue, 24 Aug. 2017
Sartre’s protagonist believes the singer is black and the songwriter Jewish, a stereotyped reversal.
—Gary Giddins, WSJ, 12 Apr. 2018
Though these are common symptoms of OCD, the disorder goes well beyond what most of us are familiar with from stereotyped depictions in popular culture.
—Elizabeth King, Allure, 15 Oct. 2019
Unfortunately, post 9/11, many Arab founders were forced to fight for notoriety outside of the stereotyped Hollywood tropes.
—Soulaima Gourani, Forbes, 19 Jan. 2022
Jews had been stereotyped for centuries across Europe as devious and untrustworthy.
—Jeffrey Fleishman,, 22 Aug. 2019
Puerto Rican food and Southern food are both often stereotyped as unhealthy and relying heavily on fried dishes, but, as Diaz found, that’s a small part of a larger picture.
—Korsha Wilson, Bon Appetit, 23 Apr. 2018
Another problem, of course, is that the data on which the models are trained—billions of words taken from digital sources—contain plenty of prejudiced and stereotyped statements about people.
—David Berreby, Scientific American, 1 Mar. 2024
People who saw words like ‘chaos’, ‘anarchy’ and ‘mess’ expressed a stronger desire for structure, and more stereotyped views, than those who saw orderly words like ‘structure’, ‘clarity’ and ‘neat’, or neutral ones like ‘chair’, ‘table’ or ‘ball’.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 7 Apr. 2011
Santa Ana has long suffered a bad reputation across Southern California and beyond, stereotyped as too crime-ridden, too Latino, too poor.
—Gustavo Arellano, Los Angeles Times, 13 Apr. 2020
Raised in West Virginia, Sheldon was tentative about documenting addiction in a coal region that is more stereotyped than understood.
—Jeffrey Fleishman,, 6 July 2018
But this easily stereotyped country is in fact rich with a diversity and complexity often lost beyond its borders.
—National Geographic, 1 July 2016
Across the country, place names are being replaced with their Indigenous ones, statues of conquistadors and commanders in the Indian Wars are being taken down, and sports teams are ditching their stereotyped Indigenous mascots.
—Alex Seitz-Wald, NBC News, 23 Nov. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'stereotyped.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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