How to Use tail fin in a Sentence
tail fin
That then set up them pulling out the tail fin piece from the ocean.
—Ruth Kinane,, 7 Apr. 2020
In all, the B-52H flew for five hours without a tail fin.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 1 Aug. 2017
The tall tail fin was just the styling cue Earl was looking for.
—Patrick Cooke, WSJ, 16 Nov. 2018
Oil, to be cooled, passed along the fuselage to the hollow tail fin and back to the engine.
—Christoper Spregg, Popular Mechanics, 19 Aug. 2020
The one-ton, barn-door-sized tail fin and rudders were simply gone.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 1 Aug. 2017
The 1959 is the iconic Cadillac with the giant rocket tail fins.
—A.j. Baime, WSJ, 19 Dec. 2017
But the Air Canada flight descended to about 59 feet in the air, just higher than the height of a tail fin of one of the planes on the ground.
—Bart Jansen, USA TODAY, 2 May 2018
Boston’s Lucky the Leprechaun shows on the tail fin as well as next to the JetBlue logo on each side of the plane.
—Ben Mutzabaugh, USA TODAY, 7 May 2018
The words are jingle-catchy, the music like tail fins turned into twelve-bar riffs.
—Matthew Gavin Frank, Harper's Magazine, 4 May 2023
For those new to surf fishing, whiting are silvery colored with a black tip on the top of the tail fin.
—Frank Sargeant, al, 19 Sep. 2021
Joy currently is about 4.5 feet long, and her tail fin is almost as long as the rest of her.
—Dewayne Bevil,, 6 Oct. 2020
But an open tail fin stabilized the fish, no matter how the body was angled.
—Cara Giaimo, New York Times, 15 Apr. 2020
With its curvy lines and massive tan tires, the E-Coast hearkens back to when tail fins and whitewall tires were common sights on the road.
—Eric Bangeman, Ars Technica, 22 Sep. 2023
With its large, bulbous body and small tail fins, the XM-388 looked like a cartoon caricature of a bomb.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 2 May 2016
The caudal fin, known also as the tail fin, is likened to a motor helping propel the shark forward through the water.
—Melissa Cristina Márquez, Forbes, 29 June 2022
In the meantime there's this whole tail fin that's come from underwater in Cuba.
—Ruth Kinane,, 31 Mar. 2021
But the animal’s tail fin—and the rest of its body plan—more closely resembles modern tiger sharks.
—Gretchen Vogel, Science | AAAS, 18 Mar. 2021
The Skunk Works logo is prominent on the visible tail fin.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 13 June 2022
The Chinese fighter jet was so close, the CNN crew could see the pilots turning their heads to look at them – and could make out the red star on the tail fins and the missiles it was armed with.
—Ivan Watson, CNN, 24 Feb. 2023
Thresher sharks use their scythe-like long tail fins to hunt, lashing out at schools of prey fish in fast, aggressive attacks.
—David Doubilet, National Geographic, 23 June 2016
The process proved successful in zebrafish, achieving electrode formation in the brain, heart and tail fins.
—Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 21 Apr. 2023
Ever since the backyard bomb shelter went the way of tail fins, survival in the face of mushroom clouds has seemed highly relative.
—Alex Williams, New York Times, 23 Sep. 2017
Pumping hydraulic fluid into one side of the tail fin inflates the skin and causes the fin to bend around the stiffer center sections towards the other side.
—Emily Toomey, Smithsonian, 19 June 2019
The same playbook that dreamed up Cadillac’s space-age tail fins was soon designing sleek Frigidaire iceboxes.
—Charles Duhigg, The New Yorker, 10 Oct. 2019
F-15Es could move the bombs faster and deliver them complete, with guidance and tail fin kits already assembled.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 3 Mar. 2021
The airline is upgrading the outside of its planes as well, including adding a larger logo and a new 3D version of the United Arab Emirates flag on the tail fin.
—Alison Fox, Travel + Leisure, 24 May 2023
The eagle shark was likely a slow swimmer that used its tail fin to propel itself and its pectoral fins to maneuver—and maybe add extra speed.
—Gretchen Vogel, Science | AAAS, 18 Mar. 2021
For now, the research team used the shape of the fossil’s vertebrae and the skeleton of its tail fin to classify it as a shark in the order Lamniformes, which includes filter-feeding sharks, mako sharks and the great white.
—Theresa MacHemer, Smithsonian Magazine, 22 Mar. 2021
Vipers are a little simpler-looking—one engine, one vertical tail fin.
—Rob Verger, Popular Science, 1 May 2020
Pathfinder 1 has 12 electric motors for propulsion, as well as four tail fins with steering rudders controlled by its fly-by-wire system.
—IEEE Spectrum, 10 Dec. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'tail fin.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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