How to Use tapping in a Sentence
The tapping, the scrolling, the liking, the #content, even.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 9 June 2017
The song was synced perfectly to the tapping of the horse's hooves.
—Ryan Coleman,, 6 Aug. 2024
Also, be sure to also use the tapping block when striking the ends of the planks to close up the end-butt joints.
—Joesph Truini, Popular Mechanics, 26 Jan. 2017
That will require tapping into a line that is more than 200 feet to the west of the building, Fields said.
—Mike Nolan, Daily Southtown, 20 May 2018
All their tapping points in the Fairview program are internal in the US.
—Fox News, 26 May 2018
The layout is a quick read to make changes without taking eyes from the road or the tap-tap-tapping of a touch screen.
—Mark Maynard,, 20 Oct. 2017
But this isn't just another take on the same old toe-tapping track.
—Emlyn Travis,, 9 Sep. 2022
Seems easy enough, but not as easy as just double tapping.
—Darren Orf, Popular Mechanics, 12 Sep. 2017
And don’t forget to teach your children the art of double tapping.
—Judy Berna, WIRED, 9 Dec. 2012
Celina’s celebration will kick off with the tapping of the keg and a toast.
—Sarah Bahari, Dallas News, 21 Sep. 2022
The tapping was met with gunshots, the affidavit says, that fired through the apartment door.
—Ryan Martin, Indianapolis Star, 13 Apr. 2020
There will be the tapping of fingers on keys sending out a resume for the millionth time this year.
—Essence, 22 Dec. 2020
Dark Lord Day Weekend May 18 to 20 will have beer tappings, food trucks and giveaways.
—Vickie Snow Jurkowski, Daily Southtown, 8 May 2018
Not to be counted out, Suzie went full Toot, tapping and Charleston-ing her way into the judges’ hearts.
—Andy Swift, TVLine, 3 Jan. 2025
By now, the rain has slowed from pounding fists to the soft, infrequent tapping of bored fingers, and Olivia sighs and abandons the shed.
—Maureen Lee Lenker,, 23 June 2021
It’s like a subtle tapping that doesn’t freak you out but works to get your attention.
—Jacob Krol, CNN Underscored, 10 Aug. 2020
A day of special beer tappings, raffles, food deals and more will be available on Feb. 4.
—Lauren Delgado,, 29 Jan. 2018
Toe tapping isn’t dancing the same way that chewing gum isn’t eating.
—Chris Richards, Washington Post, 6 Dec. 2022
No fans were present, but both teams responded with stick tapping.
—Matt Carlson, Star Tribune, 27 Apr. 2021
The five pieces are the same ones Hoffman’s fans have been double-tapping and wishing for on her Instagram over the past few months.
—Emily Farra, Vogue, 15 Mar. 2018
With this toe-tapping song on the playlist, everyone will be having a howling good time!
—Jennifer Aldrich, Country Living, 28 Oct. 2022
The leap, the extension, the tapping toes, the viselike grip that nullifies any ex post facto claim that this catch was not a catch.
—Josh Levin, Slate Magazine, 6 Feb. 2017
Others go by the tapping of their melons waiting for a dull thud to signal when one is ready to harvest.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 26 Aug. 2017
While the signs of phone tapping were evident, Singh was not prepared for what happened next.
—Vijayta Lalwani, Quartz, 20 July 2021
There are safety rules in each game, including the lockout rule and tapping rule.
—Anthony Gharib, USA TODAY, 22 July 2023
The tapping is also used to initiate movement of the entire troop.
—Victoria Sayo Turner, Smithsonian Magazine, 26 Sep. 2023
There was no noise of footsteps, but there was a regular tapping noise that hadn’t been there before.
—John Lanchester, The New Yorker, 26 Mar. 2017
The courtroom clattered with the tapping of keyboards – at least a dozen journalists had been crammed onto the benches that run around the side of the chamber.
—The Economist, 13 Dec. 2019
For example, think of the tapping of the fingers in time to an energetic tune playing in the background.
—Abby Cuffey, Woman's Day, 23 Nov. 2010
There was no momentary tapping of the shoulder of an assistant coach for in-game advice.
—Kelly Iko, The Athletic, 13 July 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'tapping.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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