How to Use theocracy in a Sentence
The passage of time hasn’t been kind to Iran’s theocracy.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht, WSJ, 13 Feb. 2023
In many ways, the calls for an end to the theocracy seem unstoppable.
—Frida Ghitis, CNN, 10 Jan. 2023
This is where theocracy brings us, over and over again.
—Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 7 Jan. 2015
The poor were thought to be the regime’s last bastion of power, tied to theocracy by piety and the welfare state.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht and, WSJ, 11 June 2018
In its 40th year, Iran’s theocracy looks in poor health.
—The Economist, 28 June 2018
The strictures of the theocracy and the doctrine of Shia supremacy alienate many.
—The Economist, 23 Jan. 2021
The protests are the most significant challenge to the theocracy in more than a decade.
—Robin Wright, The New Yorker, 5 Nov. 2022
Like the regimes in Beijing and Moscow, the theocracy in Tehran has grown bolder.
—Robert C. O’Brien, Foreign Affairs, 18 June 2024
In the wake of Amini’s death in 2022, mass protests calling for the theocracy’s dissolution broke out Iran and around the world.
—Anika Seth, Washington Post, 26 June 2024
This is not the first time the theocracy at the helm of the Iranian government has cracked down on women protesting for greater rights.
—Farnaz Fassihi, New York Times, 22 Sep. 2022
In Tehran, the virus began moving through the government and the Shiite theocracy.
—Fox News, 17 Mar. 2020
In Iran, women rose up against the theocracy, fed up with its repressive rules.
—Frida Ghitis, CNN, 6 Jan. 2023
Two-thirds of the people in Iran want a democracy without a theocracy.
—Fox News, 12 Aug. 2018
Iran is a Shiite theocracy overseen from the top by Khamenei, who has final say on all matters of state.
—Nasser Karimi,, 29 May 2018
Founded in 1965 to oppose the Shah of Iran, the group later rejected the theocracy that replaced him.
—, 16 Feb. 2020
Some might argue that memes have no role in the Iranian theocracy.
—Avi Selk, Washington Post, 5 June 2018
The view in Riyadh is that Iran's theocracy faces an existential threat.
—Nic Robertson, CNN, 20 Sep. 2019
The first constituency to give up on theocracy was the students, whose protest in 1999 ended the attempt by the regime to reform itself.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht and, WSJ, 11 June 2018
The theocracy in Tehran, the chief sponsor of terror in the world, was in its most fragile condition in its 40 years of existence.
—Victor Davis Hanson, National Review, 15 Apr. 2021
Even the woman who literally helped write the book on this theocracy is no longer allowed to read or write.
—Erik Kain, Forbes, 26 May 2021
America is a democracy, not a theocracy run by the Catholic Church.
—Sun Sentinel Editorial Board, Sun Sentinel, 11 June 2024
From exile, the crown prince has agitated for an end to Iran's theocracy.
—Fox News, 25 Apr. 2018
But the 46-year-old believes firearms could have swayed the outcome of his student rebellion against theocracy, and keeps two Glock handguns.
—Fortune, 13 Mar. 2018
Wake up, people, Alito is one of the leaders in the movement to make this nation over into a theocracy.
—Chicago Tribune, 1 Aug. 2022
So far, Iran’s hard-line Islamic theocracy is not willing to go as far some women would like.
—, 11 Oct. 2019
Left to itself, this notion could have led to the creation of self-righteous theocracies like the one some New England Puritans tried to build.
—Alec Ryrie, CNN, 29 Oct. 2017
Tehran began this process by intervening in Lebanon, which was in the throes of its long civil war when Iran became a theocracy.
—Suzanne Maloney, Foreign Affairs, 10 Dec. 2024
As in, theocracy would make things so recognizably bad that people would rise up against it?
—Ann Friedman, The Cut, 22 June 2017
Many in the region are asking: could the Islamic theocracy in Iran, reviled by its people and a cancer upon the world, be next?
—Daniel R. Depetris, Newsweek, 8 Dec. 2024
The economy is at its lowest point since the 1979 Revolution that brought the theocracy to power.
—Kay Armin Serjoie, TIME, 16 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'theocracy.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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