How to Use unexcused in a Sentence
The Raiders later fined him for what the team said were unexcused absences during camp.
—Fred Goodall,, 4 Jan. 2022
Chelsea Young said she was told the incident with her daughter would be marked as an unexcused absence in the records.
—Fox News, 17 Feb. 2022
Any missed days over the lack of vaccine records will be counted as an unexcused absence, the school district said.
—Claudia Harmata,, 31 Dec. 2019
The principal and Berry exchanged a few more emails on the matter, but the status of the four-day absence remained unchanged: unexcused.
—Diana Lambert, sacbee, 29 Oct. 2017
Someone from the department will become part of the team that will work with students who have had six or more unexcused absences.
—Lori Higgins, Detroit Free Press, 25 June 2018
If a parent decided to keep the child out of school when such a lesson is taught, it would likely be recorded as an unexcused absence.
—Howard Blume, Los Angeles Times, 11 May 2022
City policy states that students who accrue more than 30 unexcused absences in a class during the school year should fail that class.
—Perry Stein, Washington Post, 11 May 2018
So might an arrest, suspension or an unexcused absence from the club.
—New York Times, 29 Sep. 2021
But many of them really care only about unexcused absences – ones for which parents or doctors haven’t sent a note.
—Joshua Childs, The Conversation, 26 Oct. 2022
Currently, unexcused absences in the Oregon House carry fines of up to $500 per session day.
—Tim Gruver, Washington Examiner, 12 Mar. 2021
The other 10 percent comes from the percentage of students who miss 15 or more school days, regardless of whether the absences are excused or unexcused.
—Trisha Powell Crain,, 1 Feb. 2018
Democrats made that more onerous in the House this year, by adopting rules that allow the speaker to fine any lawmaker whose unexcused absence prevents a quorum up to $500 a day.
—oregonlive, 29 Mar. 2021
School districts had paused punitive actions such as truancy court for those with a lot of unexcused absences.
—Danya Perez, San Antonio Express-News, 3 Oct. 2022
Instead, her children were marked with unexcused absences, Lukas said.
—Washington Post, 18 Feb. 2022
The policy on chronic absences includes excused and unexcused days out of the classroom.
—Jess Nocera, Howard County Times, 22 June 2018
Villanueva said schools notify parents of an issue when a child racks up five unexcused absences in a school year.
—Indianapolis Star, 5 July 2019
This may have contributed to Brown’s unexcused absence from Steeler camp.
—Michael Salfino, WSJ, 19 Sep. 2018
In Montgomery County, students learned their absences would be unexcused and their grades could be affected.
—Joe Heim, Washington Post, 22 Feb. 2018
Then she was informed his absences were unexcused, and reluctantly sent him to class Thursday.
—Lindsay Schnell, USA TODAY, 13 Mar. 2020
Parents will be allowed to take their child home for refusing to wear a mask, but the student's absence will be counted as unexcused, a message to families said.
—Madeline Holcombe, CNN, 28 Sep. 2021
If suspension isn’t prescribed for unexcused absences, schools must let students back in.
—Greg Toppo, USA TODAY, 13 Mar. 2018
Students who left the premises and did not return to class after the protest will be given an unexcused absence for the remainder of the day, according to a letter the district sent to families.
—Sarah Bahari, Dallas News, 22 Sep. 2021
Overall attendance rates have been flat, while unexcused absences have risen.
—Scott Travis,, 23 July 2019
Once a child hits six unexcused absences, the parent or guardian will receive a letter from the school saying they could be prosecuted under the state’s attendance law.
—Mary Ramsey, Charlotte Observer, 22 May 2024
Both the judge and Gunter’s attorney asked technical questions about the jobs — such as how many unexcused absences are allowed or how many breaks a person can get if frequent seizures occur.
—Claudia Vargas,, 5 Jan. 2018
The employees are being cited for taking unexcused days from work for which they will not be paid, Indian Prairie spokeswoman Lisa Barry said.
—Rafael Guerrero,, 8 Oct. 2021
When the hospital’s chief of staff questioned the unexcused absence of the department, VA officials reassigned her and imposed a gag order on her.
—Anne Saker,, 11 June 2018
He was fined by general manager Mike Mayock for the unexcused absences and posted the letter to his Instagram.
—Ashley Bastock, cleveland, 6 Nov. 2021
For students in Montgomery County, Maryland, walking out will count as an unexcused absence.
—Emanuella Grinberg, CNN, 14 Mar. 2018
An offseason that began with swirling speculation about the Giants’ draft plans has since turned its focus to the unexcused — and, for the most part, unexplained — absence of Aaron Rodgers at the Jets’ mandatory minicamp last week.
—Peter Sblendorio, New York Daily News, 17 June 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'unexcused.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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