How to Use unprincipled in a Sentence
Trump, an unruly, unprincipled leader, must find them and hold them close.
—Logan Jenkins,, 25 May 2017
The show is about those things, but The Morning Show’s attempts to tell stories about them, and the characters themselves, reach for a numb, unprincipled emptiness.
—Kathryn Vanarendonk, Vulture, 18 Sep. 2021
The real Mitchell was an unprincipled, profane creep, and Doman digs into all of that with relish.
—Chris Hewitt, Star Tribune, 15 Oct. 2020
Too afraid to be seen as taking sides, consumer brands risk being seen as boring (best case) or even unprincipled (worst case) by conscious consumers.
—Patricia Nakache, Fortune, 1 Mar. 2018
For daring to buck the system, Haywood became the target of intense criticism, as some white fans and sportswriters called him greedy and unprincipled.
—Theresa Runstedtler, CNN, 18 Mar. 2023
The exceptional 1989 film Glory revealed that black men had fought for the Union—yet white Union soldiers were still mostly portrayed as unprincipled foils.
—Glenn David Brasher, Smithsonian, 19 Apr. 2017
The exceptional 1989 film Glory revealed that black men had fought for the Union—yet white Union soldiers were still mostly portrayed as unprincipled foils.
—Glenn David Brasher, Smithsonian, 19 Apr. 2017
For most people, the news that McConnell is being unprincipled will be roughly as surprising as the news that professional wrestling is staged.
—Timothy Noah, The New Republic, 22 Sep. 2020
In Panama an unprincipled spy enlists a tailor to gather information about the canal for the British government, but the details soon become lies.
—Los Angeles Times, 13 Sep. 2019
The principled stance taken by the Baptists had mostly helped the unprincipled bootleggers.
—Robert Paarlberg, Wired, 11 Aug. 2020
If the field on which a powerful company plays the game of engagement is an unprincipled devotion to progress that is measured by quarterly earnings, then yes.
—Curt Steinhorst, Forbes, 22 Oct. 2021
For Iannucci, who loves to mock the craven, unprincipled pursuit of power, the scenario is an antic delight and plays to his talent for hectic plot turns and (pardon the expression) rapid-fire dialogue.
—Gary Thompson,, 21 Mar. 2018
It’s the brazen acknowledgment of this reality that makes the whole enterprise so unprincipled.
—Gerard Baker, WSJ, 4 Jan. 2021
The link between these technologies and the fall in revenues led them to characterize music fans as unprincipled thieves obsessed with getting everything for free.
—Rebecca Giblin Cory Doctorow, WIRED, 4 Oct. 2022
The two eventually endorsed $2,000 but looked unprincipled in doing so.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 4 Mar. 2021
Sam’s unprincipled pursuit of her confused principles gives the novel a loopy energy.
—Alexandra Schwartz, The New Yorker, 9 Aug. 2021
For over a decade, low interest rates and easy access to capital fueled a period of unprincipled growth in Silicon Valley.
—Shubha Nabar, Forbes, 4 Aug. 2022
Of course, prudent judgments can descend into unprincipled ones.
—Adam J. White, WSJ, 30 Nov. 2018
Some who behaved impeccably on that sad day, like Pence, have now retreated into the fog of amnesia mixed with unprincipled party loyalty.
—Walter Shapiro, The New Republic, 28 June 2022
Puzzle piece by piece, interview by interview, Mr. Wardle fits together a grim story of hubristic doctors and their grotesquely unprincipled enablers who played with human lives in the name of science.
—New York Times, 27 June 2018
Georgians can send a clear message that voters will reward honest leadership and reject unprincipled politicians.
—Larry Hogan, WSJ, 23 May 2022
If this policy of unprincipled engagement continues, the United States stands to lose the future to today’s Communist superpower.
—Michael McCaul, National Review, 1 Oct. 2020
Some of those efforts may be mere unprincipled emotional reactions; others may proceed from principles worthy of profound respect.
—Joshua Prager, CNN, 23 Sep. 2021
Donald Trump is an ambitious, unprincipled, unpopular man who took advantage of unique circumstances to occupy the Oval Office.
—David French, National Review, 12 Sep. 2017
Americans are generally proud of their free speech tradition, and many argue that the European approach is unprincipled or ineffective.
—Mila Versteeg, The Atlantic, 19 Aug. 2017
Critics see a tangle of unprincipled hypocrisies—intellectual ground cover for banal shamelessness and techy self-interest.
—Anna Wiener, The New Yorker, 27 Oct. 2021
House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler said the pardon was undeserved and unprincipled.
—Democrat-Gazette Staff From Wire Reports, Arkansas Online, 26 Nov. 2020
As obviously silly and unprincipled as these objections were, they were nevertheless treated as sincere.
—Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 30 Mar. 2020
The retirement of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy gives one of the worst, most unprincipled presidents in history the opportunity to cement the justices’ conservative majority for a generation.
—Paul Thornton,, 30 June 2018
Detractors call Johnson buffoonish and unprincipled, reckless and feckless.
—Christina Boyle, Los Angeles Times, 22 July 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'unprincipled.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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