How to Use unsuited in a Sentence
Here was a man utterly unsuited to the challenge, with no idea what to do.
—Aaron Timms, The New Republic, 7 Jan. 2020
The truth is chewier and more complicated, and, perhaps, unsuited for these times.
—Daniel D'addario, Variety, 19 Sep. 2024
Isn’t the tardiness of Obama’s support for you a red flag that suggests you are deeply unsuited for the toughest job on earth?
—Kyle Smith, National Review, 11 Oct. 2020
In some cases, the machines are unsuited to steep terrain, or to certain grape-growing styles.
—Ian Lovett, WSJ, 3 Oct. 2021
And football fans will say: Better equipment will solve the problem of body parts, particularly the one in the skull’s brain pan, that are unsuited to the game.
—George Will, National Review, 2 Sep. 2017
The same attributes that propel them to power leave them wholly unsuited to wielding it.
—The Economist, 15 Mar. 2018
Mr Strange would have made a serviceable senator, but his sunny calm proved unsuited to the times.
—The Economist, 30 Sep. 2017
And the president has outsourced key Mideast tasks to Kushner, who has proven to be woefully unsuited and in way over his head.
—Trudy Rubin,, 5 Aug. 2017
Those who believe the people of the Middle East unsuited to democracy may even take satisfaction their bias has been borne out by events.
—Rosa Inocencio Smith, The Atlantic, 1 Sep. 2017
The curbs along the side of the tunnel were unfinished and quite bumpy, and the tunnel featured curves at the beginning and at the end that seemed unsuited for the kinds of 100+ mph travel that Elon Musk has promised in subsequent tunnels.
—Megan Geuss, Ars Technica, 19 Dec. 2018
But that hasn’t stopped criticism of Zelensky as a jester-turned-king wholly unsuited to the situation at hand.
—Nabih Bulos, Los Angeles Times, 14 Feb. 2022
The flip side of that argument was that D.C. was a fiscal basket case, wholly unsuited to be a state of its own without huge federal subsidies.
—Dan McLaughlin, National Review, 1 Oct. 2020
Di Francesco has brought a very different style of play to Sampdoria, and his star forward seems unsuited to the intense pressing system that the ex-Roma coach demands.
—, 28 Sep. 2019
This material was clever, but oddly unsuited to the moment.
—Osita Nwanevu, The New Republic, 30 Oct. 2019
The gas for these was also pricey, and their aesthetic felt unsuited to domesticity.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 18 Sep. 2024
The kind of rousing slogans that helped hype the troops before battle were completely unsuited to legislative debate.
—Ruth Scurr, WSJ, 11 Oct. 2018
The fact that Nora and Hae Sung are unsuited to each other contradicts Cohen’s passionate regret.
—Armond White, National Review, 8 Dec. 2023
The ascenders and descenders are consequently short; in her view that gives the font a clinical, businesslike air unsuited to fiction.
—The Economist, 18 Dec. 2019
The boundary layer also makes them unsuited for desert climates, where the insulation puts them at risk of daytime overheating.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 1 Sep. 2017
The upcoming pattern promises to bring the same to a region that’s uniquely unsuited to handle such intense temperatures.
—Dennis Mersereau, Forbes, 24 June 2021
Opponents say Trump is uniquely unsuited to uniting the country in times of uncertainty.
—Rob Crilly, Washington Examiner, 27 Aug. 2020
Since 2003, the U.S. has increasingly fought insurgent forces that don't have tanks, and tanks are unsuited to counter-insurgency operations like those in Afghanistan.
—Matthew Moss, Popular Mechanics, 12 Feb. 2018
The phonics method of converting each letter to a particular sound is totally unsuited to the English language.
—Marion Blank, Scientific American, 26 Sep. 2023
Biden’s party could coalesce around a movement to pressure him to step aside — but Harris is so unpopular and so plainly unsuited to the presidency that Democrats blanch at putting their fate in her hands.
—The Editors, National Review, 3 July 2024
In it, Connell’s alter ego is the rather feckless Melvin Isaacs, obviously unsuited to the military’s rigidity.
—Gemma Sieff, Harper’s Magazine , 4 Jan. 2022
According to Park, Western-style democracy was unsuited to the challenges facing South Korea.
—Hahm Chaibong, Foreign Affairs, 14 Aug. 2018
Johnson has gone on record about his longtime obsession with the character, yet, in a paradox more interesting than the movie itself, he's distinctly unsuited for the role, despite his build.
—Joshua Rothkopf,, 21 Oct. 2022
Others had spouses who were ill or temperamentally unsuited to the task.
—Judith Graham, Kaiser Health News, 1 June 2017
Disparate impact metrics, which are commonly used in U.S. labor law, are completely unsuited to health care.
—Carol McCall, STAT, 12 Aug. 2021
On the other hand, these vehicles were amateurish and unsuited for modern warfare.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 15 Oct. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'unsuited.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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