How to Use urinalysis in a Sentence
As a nurse, Kandra has looked at thousands of urinalysis strips through the years.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 12 July 2022
While the woman was in the emergency room, a urinalysis on a sample of her urine found both red blood cells and lots of white blood cells.
—Bruce Y. Lee, Forbes, 19 Mar. 2022
The key to the diagnosis was, and would still be today, the routine urinalysis.
—, 24 Sep. 2017
At Great Circle, a staff doctor and nurses check a person’s vital signs and do a urinalysis with an in-house lab.
—, 3 Apr. 2022
With her husband, Ms. Free wrote two books on urinalysis.
—New York Times, 3 May 2021
He was taken to the Lorain County Jail where a urinalysis test was taken and more charges could be pending, reports said.
—Brian Lisik, cleveland, 12 Sep. 2022
Additional charges may be added once the results of the drug urinalysis are received.
—Cheryl Higley,, 20 Aug. 2017
Simmons must submit to up to 12 urinalysis tests a month as a condition of her probation, the judge ordered.
—Maxine Bernstein,, 10 July 2017
There is no blood test, no X-ray, no urinalysis that pinpoints depression.
—Maggie Jones, New York Times, 3 Apr. 2018
Another was sent back to complete a random urinalysis drug test, something that’s routine in the Navy.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 5 Aug. 2019
Upon release, Lintott will be subject to up to 12 urinalyses a month.
—Maxine Bernstein,, 2 Apr. 2018
But the Lone Star State also included a few that were not, including urinalysis, which checks for improper drug use.
—Julie Appleby, Kaiser Health News, 12 June 2017
Under their leadership, the shelter runs with a tight set of rules: To enter, prospective guests must pass a breathalyzer test and submit to a urinalysis for drugs.
—Marc Lester, Anchorage Daily News, 11 Feb. 2023
At the time, just eight tests met those requirements, including a standard urinalysis.
—Ellen Gabler, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11 Aug. 2021
The Prime Plan includes up to $450 of annual coverage for everything in the Basic Plan, plus a few additions like blood tests and urinalysis.
—Better Homes & Gardens, 12 Aug. 2021
But after the discovery of phenylbutazone in a post-race urinalysis of Dancer’s Image, Forward Pass was declared the winner.
—Jason Frakes, The Courier-Journal, 16 July 2021
The insurer’s action was in response to a lawsuit the labs filed against it for allegedly refusing to pay claims for urinalysis testing.
—Patrick Danner,, 23 July 2019
Your provider will take your blood pressure, conduct a urinalysis and assess the growth and wellbeing of the fetus through measurements and by listening to fetal heart tones.
—David Howard, New York Times, 17 Apr. 2020
The department has refused to say whether Mathis submitted to a urinalysis.
—Paul Pringle, Los Angeles Times, 15 Mar. 2022
Once diagnosed, your doctor can perform a urinalysis and bladder scan to determine how best to treat your nocturia.
—Richard Charney, Md,, 22 Sep. 2017
But sometimes the blood is microscopic, so it can only be picked up through a routine urinalysis, when your doctor looks at a sample of your pee under a microscope.
—Hallie Levine,, 23 Nov. 2021
Nelson reportedly tested positive for drugs, failed to provide urinalysis, didn’t show up for court, quit his job and cut off his GPS monitor and lost it.
—Traci Rosenbaum, USA TODAY, 27 Aug. 2019
Preventative blood screening and urinalysis are recommended for senior pets and should be started around the age of 7.
—Traci Howerton,, 10 Sep. 2020
Basic tests that may be done include a complete blood count (CBC), biochemical profile, and urinalysis.
—Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 17 Oct. 2022
Leukocyte Levels in Urine Chart Urine tests (urinalysis) can detect and measure substances such as blood, cells (like white blood cells), sugar, bacteria, electrolytes, and proteins.
—Heather Jones, Verywell Health, 30 July 2024
The FBI affidavit said the fraud included unnecessary or faked urinalysis samples, double-billing, and paying kickbacks to patients in the form of gift cards, trips to casinos and strip clubs, and free airline tickets.
—Curt Anderson,, 24 Aug. 2017
After the baby was admitted to the hospital, the couple was given urinalysis testing.
—Kristi Belcamino, Twin Cities, 14 Oct. 2019
There would be built-in urinalysis strips, and computer vision would function as a uroflowmeter, for instance, while deep learning would handle the stool classification.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 14 Sep. 2023
The first test — a routine urinalysis – showed that my kidneys were hemorrhaging protein, a sign of potential kidney disease or diabetes.
—Sarah Watts /, NBC News, 23 Jan. 2018
The three-member panel found Simon had abused marijuana but had been abstinent since November 2021 and had undergone urinalysis and hair tests.
—Ed Stannard, Hartford Courant, 16 July 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'urinalysis.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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