How to Use woodchuck in a Sentence
And if the woodchuck was not your rodent of choice, there were rats.
—David E. Petzal, Field & Stream, 27 Nov. 2020
The groundhog, aka the woodchuck, is the largest member of the squirrel family.
—Jim Gilbert, Star Tribune, 4 Feb. 2021
There are eggs in a nest, frogs, a tadpole, deer and lambs and a whole woodchuck family.
—Mary Ann Grossmann, Twin Cities, 2 Apr. 2017
Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, can grow to about 20 inches in length and can weigh up to 13 pounds.
—Jennifer Barrios, Washington Post, 24 June 2018
This is not the first time woodchucks have been caught taking American flags.
—Joel Langstein, Fox News, 19 June 2018
Finding all the woodchuck entrances and exits to their burrows is no easy task.
—, 3 May 2023
A deer, rabbit, wolf, rabbit and woodchuck also get a turn.
—Special To The Washington Post, The Denver Post, 6 Jan. 2017
That’s right, woodchuck-chuckers, there is no past or future.
—David G. Allan, CNN, 2 Feb. 2023
Your curator has seen a red fox in the back, a woodchuck out front, and the hatching of songbirds in a nest underneath our eaves.
—Steve Winter, National Geographic, 4 June 2020
The bobcat slowly circled the woodchuck with the woodchuck pivoting in the middle of the circle to keep facing the bobcat.
—, 26 Jan. 2022
The problem is that eagles and other scavengers eat the guts of deer or the carcasses of coyotes, woodchucks and other game shot by hunters.
—Mary Esch, The Seattle Times, 16 July 2017
Sirgany gently shut the hood and called wildlife experts to safely remove the woodchuck, also called a groundhog.
—Jamie L. Lareau, Detroit Free Press, 9 June 2020
The animals feed on mice, voles, rabbits, and woodchucks, so Pennypack Park could be a good feeding ground.
—Frank Kummer,, 25 Apr. 2018
The garden is also a refuge for urban wildlife, housing foxes, woodchucks, opossums, bats and hens.
—Hailey Closson, Baltimore Sun, 22 June 2023
Users could download the skill for $0.99 to ask Jackson important questions, like what his favorite movie line is or how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
—Stephanie Mlot, PCMAG, 31 May 2023
The first type, often called lineage 1 Powassan virus is associated with Ixodes cookei or the woodchuck tick.
—Alexandria Hein, Fox News, 30 June 2021
The problematic critter around here is a woodchuck that’s been destroying the garden.
—Joyce Wadler, New York Times, 17 Aug. 2017
The Verge decided to ask the tough questions: Did woodchucks specifically target Paul Ryan?
—Angela Chen, The Verge, 23 Dec. 2018
There’s a chicken coop that’s been invaded by woodchucks; my mother plays the country game of hide-and-seek armed with animal poison and Havahart traps.
—Liz Arnold, Longreads, 11 July 2018
Assembly Bill 323 would allow the hunting and trapping of woodchucks, also known as groundhogs.
—Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 21 June 2017
Ryan said a family of woodchucks feasted on the Suburban while it was stored at his mother's home in Wisconsin, the Times reported.
—Christina Hall, Detroit Free Press, 12 July 2018
Humans become infected with Powassan through the bite of an infected deer or woodchuck tick.
—CBS News, 10 June 2022
Troubleshooting Problems The biggest threats to carrots are four-footed critters such as deer, gophers, woodchucks, and rabbits.
—The Editors Of Organic Life, Good Housekeeping, 30 Aug. 2017
The most obvious is to drive it daily, because unlike our mouse or Sirgany's woodchuck, most rodents will jump out of the engine and not return once the car is regularly in motion.
—Jamie L. Lareau, Detroit Free Press, 9 June 2020
Others include a Canada goose with severe leg injuries from fishing line, a woodchuck with a large lesion on its hindquarters and an opossum with a frostbitten tail.
—Meg Jones, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 22 Mar. 2018
The question of how much wood a woodchuck can chuck may need to be reevaluated — new research published today in Nature reveals a process that can create wood with a strength-to-weight ratio stronger than most metals.
—Leah Froats, Discover Magazine, 7 Feb. 2018
There are all kinds of parables about nature fighting back against evil, but nothing has ever been so explicit as House Speaker Paul Ryan’s recent saga with woodchucks (alias groundhog).
—Caitlin Wolper, Teen Vogue, 13 July 2018
After mating, pairs move in together to raise kits, usually by expanding a burrow abandoned by a woodchuck or skunk.
—Ross Andersen, The Atlantic, 2 Mar. 2023
Other bills coming before the Senate include measures to help homeowners pay for replacing lead water pipes, shut down a slumlord trick and allow hunters to bag woodchucks.
—Jason Stein, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 31 Oct. 2017
There's still plenty of room among the stands of milkweed, yellow coneflower and stiff goldenrod for the monarch butterflies, purple martins, ruby-throated hummingbirds, honey bees and the rogue woodchuck.
—Barry Adams, Star Tribune, 7 Sep. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'woodchuck.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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