present tense third-person singular of break
as in disrupts
to cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forcibly
hated telling her that I had broken her favorite glass vase
as in stops
to bring (as an action or operation) to an immediate end
the final vote broke the deadlock
as in reduces
to bring to a lower grade or rank
the captain was broken to lieutenant commander for disobeying a direct order from his group commander
as in deciphers
to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language
Alan Turing and the Bletchley Park mathematicians broke the Enigma code being used by the Nazis
as in pauses
to come to a temporary halt in one's activity
she broke from her ruminations to find that it was already dinnertime
as in plows
to cut into and turn over the sod of (a piece of land) using a bladed implement
farmers once broke fields with horse-drawn plows
as in violates
to fail to keep
had to confess that he had broken his promise not to share their conversation with anyone
as in solves
to find an answer for through reasoning
Professor Bates broke the problem when she realized that it was possible to synthesize the necessary compounds
as in damages
to reduce the soundness, effectiveness, or perfection of
I broke a tooth on the hard candy
as in dies
to stop functioning
after working for 30 years, the pump simply broke one day
as in retreats
to hasten away from something dangerous or frightening
the herd of gazelles broke when they saw the lions racing toward them from the ridge above
as in wears
to use up all the physical energy of
the trek up the mountain just about broke me
as in circulates
to become known
as soon as the scandal broke, the CEO fled the country
as in bankrupts
to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debts
another bad investment could break him
as in begins
to come into existence
the crisis had passed, and a new day was breaking
as in veers
to depart abruptly from a straight line or course
the running back broke to his left before running out of bounds
as in lowers
to diminish the price or value of
distressing economic news that will break many energy stocks
as in exceeds
to go beyond the limit of
a menu with prices that is likely to break the budgets of all but the wealthiest of diners
as in surfaces
to penetrate the surface (as of water) from below
dolphins were breaking all around the boat
plural of break
as in lulls
a momentary halt in an activity
there was a brief break after the first movement as the doors to the concert hall were opened and the latecomers were allowed in
as in vacations
a period during which the usual routine of school or work is suspended
most of the students at the boarding school are going home for Christmas break
as in gaps
an open space in a barrier (as a wall or hedge)
the rancher repaired the break in the fence where the horse had gotten through
as in opportunities
a favorable combination of circumstances, time, and place
in classic fashion, her big break came when, as an understudy, she took over for an ailing star
as in accidents
an unexpected benefit or advantage resulting from the uncertain course of events
a guy who just seems to get all the breaks in life
as in escapes
the act or an instance of getting free from danger or confinement
a desperate break from that hellhole
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Merriam-Webster unabridged