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Recent Examples of burrow
For the lower 3-D level of fossils, the explanation of cause of death is much more banal: burrow collapse.—Paul Smaglik, Discover Magazine, 5 Nov. 2024 The owls nest in burrows excavated by California ground squirrels, occasionally popping up to stare with striking yellow eyes.—Lisa M. Krieger, The Mercury News, 19 Oct. 2024
Pangolins are scaly, anteater-like mammals known for their long tongues, burrowing lifestyles and elusive habits.—Aspen Pflughoeft, Miami Herald, 14 Jan. 2025 Owners should fill the bottom of the enclosures with 6 to 15 inches of bedding to allow the animal to burrow, Adler said.—Krystal Nurse, USA TODAY, 6 Feb. 2025 See All Example Sentences for burrow
Jackie is often seen doing yoga stretches, egg rolls and nest softening amid incubation periods, while Shadow can be seen bringing home fish and sticks.
Anthony Robledo,
1 Mar. 2025
This year, Jackie welcomed the first of three eggs on Jan. 22, and laid two more within the next few days, according to Friends of Big Bear Valley, a conservation organization that operates a live cam of the nest.
And for the third-straight season, the Bulls are clawing to make the Play-In Tournament.
The Athletic NBA Staff,
The Athletic,
14 Feb. 2025
But the stock clawed its way back up during the post-earnings call once investors better understood management’s outlook, including some conservatism embedded in the assumptions.
But the team hypothesizes the fungus lures the spiders out of their lairs where they are exposed to circulating air currents, which helps spread its spores, said Araújo, who is also an honorary research associate at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the United Kingdom.
Taylor Nicioli,
14 Feb. 2025
The story sounds like something right out of a horror movie: this fungus hacks the brain of its host, driving the normally shy spiders out of their lairs and webs to an exposed surface.
Most of the county’s other coastal lagoons also have been dredged in recent decades, though less frequently, to preserve wetlands habitats and for other environmental reasons.
Phil Diehl,
San Diego Union-Tribune,
25 Feb. 2025
Now, researchers in London have dated dozens of bones dredged from the river, creating a comprehensive database that has dispelled longstanding theories about why the river came to serve as the final resting place for so many people.
Alexander Nazaryan,
New York Times,
21 Feb. 2025
The site extends about 500 feet and includes approximately 200 footprints, according to BBC, though the outlet said the tracks could extend even further into areas that have not yet been excavated.
Erin Clack,
15 Feb. 2025
Thankfully, the archaeologists use care to both excavate and preserve such sites for future investigations as well.