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Recent Examples of clam
The affected oysters and clams were harvested from November 15 to December 11 by Rudy's Shellfish in Washington and have been linked to norovirus, which can cause stomach flu symptoms.—George Monastiriakos, Newsweek, 31 Dec. 2024 Stone Crabs may be some of the most famous local fair on offer but the lobsters, fish and clams are also ripe for the picking.—Liza B. Zimmerman, Forbes, 28 Dec. 2024
The mask has a hydrogel texture that clams and cools the skin while its clinical-grade ingredients sink in to rejuvenate the complexion.—Lauren Valenti, Vogue, 4 Oct. 2024 Once medical examiners took custody of Murphy’s body, the vessel slipped back out the inlet to continue clamming.—C.j. Chivers James Patrick Cronin Elena Hecht Anna Diamond Quinton Kamara, New York Times, 6 June 2024 See All Example Sentences for clam
Some Hamptons workers who are in the country legally have spent tens of thousands of dollars to file immigration paperwork but are afraid that they might be harassed or detained regardless of their status.
Dionne Searcey,
New York Times,
23 Feb. 2025
The United States has invested hundreds of billions of dollars to support Ukraine.
During this time, mature bucks become increasingly active and less cautious to establish dominance within their territory.
Stephen Underwood,
Hartford Courant,
20 Feb. 2025
But there’s not so much of it that the department cannot devote half of its tiny force to investigating the theft of a few hundred bucks from the donation bowl at a charity event, hosted by Hank to burnish his own reputation as a do-gooder.
From rules that forbid people to harvest trees in close proximity to creeks – to ensure shelter for wildlife – to requiring two trees planted for every one harvested, CPS’ operations strive for the maximum level of sustainability.
Malana Van Tyler,
14 Feb. 2025
The escaped fish were ready to be harvested, said Mowi, and weigh about 12 pounds each.