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Recent Examples of entrainAbout half of the emissions are taken up by the land and the oceans, which act as carbon sinks, entraining the greenhouse gas and preventing it from accelerating climate change even further.—Jeffrey Kluger, Time, 29 June 2023 At the core of Team Lichen’s technology is a paint innovation company, Reactive Surfaces, out of Austin, Texas, that for the past couple of decades, has been entraining biologicals into paints and coatings to derive various functionalities, such as antimicrobial or self-cleaning surfaces.—Jon Stojan, USA TODAY, 28 June 2023 On May 20, the smoke, arising from wildfires in Alberta, was entrained by a large low-pressure system swirling counterclockwise over Canada and the United States.—Tom Yulsman, Discover Magazine, 27 May 2023 Although the timing of subordinates' predawn crowing was strongly dependent on that of the top-ranking rooster, free-running periods of body temperature rhythms differed among individuals, and crowing rhythm did not entrain to a crowing sound stimulus.—Seriously Science, Discover Magazine, 17 July 2017 See All Example Sentences for entrain