This vowelless standout is pronounced KOOM and refers to a deep steep-walled basin on a mountain usually forming the blunt end of a valley. It may only have 3 letters, but it will earn you at least 10 points.

You will need to use a blank tile for mukluk (the standard game only comes with one K tile) but even without any double- or triple-score squares, this word will earn you 11 points. A mukluk is a sealskin or reindeer-skin boot typically worn by Indigenous peoples of arctic regions (such as in Alaska, Canada, or eastern Siberia).

This word for a duration of time in Hinduism covering a complete cosmic cycle from the origination to the destruction of a world system is worth 11 points by itself. Its plural, kalpas, is worth 12 points.


Another q-without-u word, qigong (pronounced CHEE-GOONG) refers to an ancient Chinese healing art involving meditation, controlled breathing, and movement exercises. Take a deep breath, because this one is worth 17 points.