Words That Start With M (page 2)
Browse the Legal Dictionary
- marketable
- marketable title
- marketplace
- market price
- market share
- market value
- market value clause
- mark to the market
- marriage
- marriage certificate
- marriage license
- marriage settlement
- marshal
- marshaled
- marshaling
- marshall
- marshalled
- marshalling
- martial law
- Martin v. Hunter's Lessee
- Martin v. Mott
- Mary Carter agreement
- mass
- Massachusetts trust
- master
- master deed
- master in chancery
- master limited partnership
- master of laws
- material
- material alteration
- material breach
- material evidence
- material fact
- materiality
- materially
- materialman's lien
- material witness
- material witness warrant
- matricide
- matter
- matter in controversy
- matter in dispute
- matter in issue
- matter of fact
- matter of form
- matter of law
- matter of record
- matter of substance
- mature
- matured
- maturing
- maturity
- mayhem
- mayor
- mayor's court
- McCain-Feingold Act
- McCarran Act
- McCulloch v. Maryland
- McNabb-Mallory rule
- meander line
- means
- measure of damages
- mechanic's lien
- mediate fact
- mediation
- mediator
- Medicaid
- medical examiner
- medical power of attorney
- Medicare
- meeting of creditors
- meeting of the minds
- Megan's Law
- memoranda
- memorandum
- memorandum clause
- memorandum decision
- memorandum opinion
- memorandums
- menace
- menaced
- menacing
- menacingly
- mens rea
- mental anguish
- mental cruelty
- mental defect
- mental deficiency
- mental disease
- mental disorder
- mental distress
- mental disturbance
- mental illness
- mental suffering
- mentes reae
- merchant
- merchantability
- merchantable