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Words that Almost Rhyme with convalescents
2 syllables
3 syllables
- animus
- excrescence
- fluorescence
- gangrenous
- in essence
- lavishness
- massiveness
- quiescence
- quintessence
- senescence
- strabismus
- activeness
- clannishness
- concrescence
- florescence
- passiveness
- putrescence
- raggedness
- real presence
- scalenus
- tumescence
- usance
- accrescence
- blood pheasants
- brackishness
- candescence
- candidness
- co-presents
- compresence
- copresence
- crow pheasants
- crushed levants
- decrescence
- eared pheasants
- flavescence
- frondescence
- fructescence
- frutescence
- glaucescence
- gold pheasants
- horned pheasants
- jaggedness
- lactescence
- lastingness
- liquescence
- lyre pheasants
- marcescence
- nigrescence
- pallidness
- pearl essence
- pearlescence
- point-events
- prepubescence
- rakishness
- rapidness
- re-presents
- real essence
- reed pheasants
- refreshants
- rubescence
- rufescence
- rum essence
- screen presence
- sea pheasants
- snow pheasants
- spinescence
- spumescence
- stage presence
- swamp pheasants
- taskmistress
- virescence
4 syllables
- acquiescence
- adolescence
- attractiveness
- coalescence
- combativeness
- convalescence
- effervescence
- efflorescence
- evanescence
- expansiveness
- incandescence
- inflorescence
- intransigence
- iridescence
- luminescence
- obsolescence
- omnipresence
- opalescence
- phosphorescence
- recrudescence
- defervescence
- deliquescence
- intumescence
- recalescence
- telepresence
- the quintessence
- abstractedness
- acaulescence
- alkalescence
- apple essence
- arborescence
- calorescence
- circumcrescence
- consenescence
- contabescence
- decalescence
- deflorescence
- delitescence
- detumescence
- deturgescence
- equanimous
- excandescence
- golden pheasants
- hyalescence
- hyperessence
- impassiveness
- incalescence
- infructescence
- ingravescence
- intercrescence
- juvenescence
- maturescence
- mountain pheasants
- native pheasants
- oblivescence
- obmutescence
- of the essence
- peacock pheasants
- pickedevants
- pluripresence
- pruinescence
- pukras pheasants
- reflorescence
- refractiveness
- requiescence
- revirescence
- ring-necked pheasants
- silver pheasants
- specious presents
- stinking pheasants
- supercrescence
- tenebrescence
- underpresence
- virilescence
- water pheasants
5 syllables
- autofluorescence
- commanding presence
- nonacquiescence
- rejuvenescence
- adularescence
- degenerescence
- dramatic presents
- grace with her presence
- grace with his presence
- grace with one's presence
- grace with their presence
- grace with your presence
- graced with her presence
- graced with his presence
- graced with their presence
- graced with your presence
- histofluorescence
- impeyan pheasants
- in someone's presence
- labradorescence
- nominal essence
- pineapple essence
- planned obsolescence
- postadolescence
- preterit-presents
- reconvalescence
- thermosenescence
6 syllables
- bioluminescence
- chemiluminescence
- immunofluorescence
- photoluminescence
- thermoluminescence
- autoluminescence
- built-in obsolescence
- cathodofluorescence
- graces with her presence
- graces with his presence
- graces with their presence
- graces with your presence
- gracing with her presence
- gracing with his presence
- gracing with their presence
- gracing with your presence
- historical presents
- oxyluminescence
- photophosphorescence
- pyroluminescence
- sonoluminescence
- thermophosphorescence
- triboluminescence