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Words that Rhyme with wherefor
1 syllable
- boar
- boer
- bore
- chore
- cor
- core
- corps
- crore
- door
- drawer
- floor
- flor
- for
- fore
- four
- hoar
- lor
- lore
- mohr
- mor
- nor
- oar
- or
- ore
- pore
- pour
- roar
- score
- shor
- shore
- snore
- soar
- sore
- spore
- store
- swore
- thor
- tor
- tore
- torr
- war
- whare
- whore
- wore
- yore
- your
- blore
- glore
- 'fore
- -spore
- -vore
- baure
- bohr
- caure
- chlor-
- chlore
- chor-
- dore
- dorr
- dorre
- dors-
- faure
- fluor-
- fore-
- frore
- glaur
- gore
- hoare
- knaur
- laur-
- mhorr
- more
- orr
- phlor-
- prore
- saur-
- splore
- sporo-
- taur-
- vlore
- z-score
2 syllables
- abhor
- abor
- adore
- afore
- all for
- ardour
- as for
- ashore
- ask for
- asked for
- asks for
- at war
- backdoor
- barn door
- before
- bookstore
- but for
- call for
- called for
- calls for
- candour
- care for
- cared for
- cares for
- centaur
- claymore
- cold war
- cried for
- cries for
- cry for
- dance floor
- decor
- deplore
- did for
- dig for
- dirt floor
- dive for
- do for
- does for
- done for
- drugstore
- due for
- dug for
- encore
- explore
- eyesore
- fall for
- falls for
- fear for
- feared for
- fears for
- feel for
- feels for
- fell for
- felt for
- fight for
- first floor
- fish for
- fished for
- fixed for
- folklore
- footsore
- foreshore
- fought for
- fourscore
- front door
- galore
- go for
- goes for
- gone for
- good for
- grab for
- grabbed for
- ground floor
- gun for
- hardcore
- hurt for
- ignore
- implore
- in for
- in store
- indoor
- inshore
- languor
- live for
- lived for
- lives for
- longshore
- look for
- looked for
- looks for
- made for
- make for
- makes for
- mazdoor
- meant for
- nearshore
- next door
- no more
- nose for
- of yore
- offshore
- once more
- onshore
- out for
- outdoor
- pass for
- passed for
- peace corps
- phosphor
- pledgor
- postwar
- press for
- pressed for
- prewar
- quatuor
- rapport
- reach for
- reached for
- restore
- salvor
- save for
- say for
- scream for
- screamed for
- seafloor
- seashore
- send for
- senor
- sent for
- shoot for
- shot for
- side door
- sign for
- signed for
- signs for
- sophomore
- speak for
- speaks for
- spinor
- splendour
- spoke for
- spring for
- stage door
- stand for
- stands for
- starved for
- stood for
- subfloor
- take for
- takes for
- therefor
- therefore
- third floor
- threescore
- took for
- top drawer
- touch for
- trapdoor
- tried for
- try for
- up for
- uproar
- vapour
- vouch for
- vouched for
- want for
- watch for
- watched for
- went for
- what for
- wherefore
- wild boar
- world war
- backshore
- bezoar
- chador
- dime store
- fights for
- forswore
- french door
- grasp for
- grasped for
- guns for
- lee shore
- noncore
- pine for
- pined for
- pines for
- press corps
- pull for
- pulled for
- root for
- roots for
- screams for
- sea floor
- sends for
- shop floor
- smoothbore
- sobor
- sprang for
- springs for
- storm door
- swing door
- tambor
- tenore
- tofore
- wants for
- zoospore
- adour
- age score
- air war
- air-core
- al gore
- and/or
- ardmore
- aroar
- asthore
- back score
- bandore
- beardmore
- bedsore
- bewhore
- big-bore
- bocor
- bog ore
- bogor
- booklore
- bow oar
- box drawer
- box score
- brand spore
- brown ore
- brush ore
- buck for
- but-for
- capshore
- chain store
- chum for
- class war
- close score
- closed-door
- cold sore
- cold store
- cote d'or
- countor
- deck floor
- dehwar
- dichlor-
- digs for
- dime-store
- dior
- disour
- dogshore
- drawbore
- dreddour
- drill corps
- dry ore
- dutch door
- eight-four
- engore
- ex store
- fahlore
- fakelore
- false floor
- feedstore
- fine-bore
- fishes for
- fivescore
- float ore
- flush door
- fomor
- foot score
- forespore
- foreswore
- four-door
- four-four
- four-oar
- free corps
- full bore
- full score
- full-bore
- gabor
- gang war
- ghostlore
- glen more
- grabs for
- grain door
- grasps for
- ground war
- gunned for
- half door
- hard-core
- hog score
- horn-core
- hot war
- housedoor
- hump sore
- hurts for
- in-store
- indore
- jenoar
- jib door
- keep score
- kiore
- lahore
- lakeshore
- line score
- livor
- lod score
- long four
- mador
- mentor
- mill store
- mock ore
- moidore
- monguor
- monts dore
- mordore
- moror
- mysore
- nagor
- nayaur
- next-door
- niwar
- non-core
- octuor
- outpour
- outroar
- outscore
- outsoar
- outswore
- outwore
- pair-oar
- pandour
- part-score
- pass door
- pea ore
- perchlor-
- phosphore
- pile drawer
- pinched for
- pitch ore
- plump for
- plumped for
- plumps for
- portmore
- postscore
- pre-store
- pre-war
- prescore
- prestore
- price war
- pulls for
- pylor-
- quaoar
- raw score
- rebore
- redrawer
- rescore
- roquelaure
- sap-drawer
- shoots for
- short score
- sill floor
- slab door
- small-bore
- smoke door
- snail bore
- sneck drawer
- soft-core
- sokhor
- sordor
- spoon oar
- sprung for
- spur shore
- staff corps
- steer oar
- sting for
- stings for
- strathmore
- stroke oar
- stung for
- swamp ore
- swarm spore
- swarthmore
- swear for
- swears for
- swore for
- sworn for
- tadmor
- tandoor
- tandour
- tendoor
- tendour
- three-four
- tile ore
- timor
- tin ore
- top score
- top-drawer
- trichlor-
- trick score
- tricor
- tries for
- tube door
- tulwaur
- turf war
- tussore
- two-four
- twoscore
- unswore
- upbore
- upsoar
- val-d'or
- veld sore
- vouches for
- wakore
- what's more
- wheel ore
- wildbore
- windore
- wiredrawer
- withdrawer
- woodlore
- zoochore
3 syllables
- account for
- accounts for
- afraid for
- albacore
- allow for
- allowed for
- allows for
- alongshore
- answer for
- antiwar
- anymore
- army corps
- asking for
- bargain for
- bargained for
- blastopore
- bottom drawer
- brought before
- calling for
- campaign for
- caring for
- carnivore
- civil war
- commodore
- crying for
- declare war
- digging for
- dinosaur
- doing for
- double door
- evermore
- except for
- fallen for
- falling for
- fearing for
- feeling for
- fighting for
- fishing for
- forest floor
- furthermore
- garage door
- go before
- going for
- gone before
- grabbing for
- grasping for
- guarantor
- gunning for
- handy for
- happy for
- herbivore
- heretofore
- holy war
- iron ore
- listen for
- living for
- looking for
- lord mayor
- making for
- marine corps
- matador
- minotaur
- mirador
- nevermore
- open door
- open for
- outside door
- passes for
- picador
- pinafore
- pining for
- provide for
- provides for
- put before
- pyrochlore
- reaches for
- reaching for
- rooting for
- screaming for
- second floor
- sending for
- settle for
- settled for
- sliding door
- speaking for
- spoken for
- standing for
- stevedore
- swinging door
- sycamore
- taken for
- taking for
- the seashore
- theodore
- theretofore
- trojan war
- troubadour
- trying for
- underscore
- wanted for
- warrantor
- watching for
- went before
- battledore
- bring before
- cater for
- cigar store
- comprador
- country store
- declared for
- dollar store
- doukhobor
- dumbledore
- final score
- fire door
- goes before
- gonopore
- humidor
- hurting for
- macropore
- micropore
- multicore
- parador
- passing for
- pressing for
- pulling for
- rooted for
- service door
- shooting for
- spoiling for
- steering oar
- superstore
- threshing floor
- uncared for
- wanting for
- watches for
- a fool for
- acropore
- active door
- advanced score
- aetosaur
- albicore
- all the more
- allosaur
- almicore
- ankylosaur
- anti-war
- apgar score
- archosaur
- at death's door
- at her door
- at his door
- at its door
- at my door
- at one's door
- at the door
- at their door
- at your door
- autochore
- autopore
- avant-corps
- avenzoar
- baikonur
- balisaur
- baltimore
- bandalore
- bangalore
- bargains for
- barosaur
- barrymore
- batten door
- bay of vlore
- beloye more
- bill of store
- biochore
- biowar
- bobby orr
- bog-mine ore
- bonded store
- brings before
- brontosaur
- bronze-dore
- by the score
- came in for
- camptosaur
- canker sore
- cargador
- carnosaur
- ceiling floor
- champertor
- christian d'or
- chrysochlore
- clinochlore
- close the door
- closed the door
- closes the door
- coach-and-four
- cogwheel ore
- collochore
- come in for
- comes in for
- compressed score
- cothamore
- cul-de-four
- culs-de-four
- cut out for
- de la warr
- declare for
- declares for
- desert sore
- desultor
- devil lore
- door-to-door
- double floor
- dukhobor
- dulcimore
- dumbledor
- east timor
- eastern shore
- ecuador
- eighty-four
- either-or
- embraceor
- feather ore
- felix faure
- fiador
- fibricor
- fifty-four
- first world war
- floating floor
- flying shore
- folding door
- foredoor
- formatore
- forty-four
- fossil ore
- four-by-four
- frederick d'or
- friedrich d'or
- from the floor
- frugivore
- galesaur
- gastropore
- get on for
- get the door
- girl next door
- gleason score
- go in for
- go to war
- go-ashore
- goes in for
- gone in for
- good news for
- granivore
- green lead ore
- gull wing door
- guttee d'or
- hackamore
- hadrosaur
- halalcor
- halicore
- halosaur
- hannah more
- harpoon oar
- have news for
- have the floor
- henry more
- hexachlor-
- hold out for
- hold the floor
- honor score
- hormospore
- horseflesh ore
- how's that for
- hug the shore
- hydrochore
- if not for
- in line for
- in-a-door
- innermore
- inter-war
- justaucorps
- kidney ore
- know the score
- labrador
- law of war
- laws of war
- ledger score
- let in for
- letter drawer
- lightning war
- liqueur d'or
- liqueurs d'or
- livermore
- locavore
- look out for
- looked out for
- looks out for
- louis d'or
- lumber-core
- made good for
- madrepore
- make good for
- make time for
- make up for
- makes good for
- man-o'-war
- man-of-war
- mangalore
- manticore
- marine store
- meadow ore
- men-o'-war
- men-of-war
- mesosaur
- mevacor
- microsaur
- mind the store
- mogador
- monochlor-
- monospore
- morass ore
- more and more
- mosasaur
- naga sore
- naked floor
- natal sore
- needle ore
- nephropore
- nethermore
- neuropore
- neutral spore
- ninety-four
- no call for
- no match for
- no place for
- nodosaur
- not called for
- not long for
- nothosaur
- nullipore
- obrador
- ochidore
- on that score
- on this score
- open score
- open-door
- out-of-door
- overdoor
- overscore
- oversoar
- package store
- panel door
- parachor
- partial score
- patentor
- peacock ore
- pegador
- perfect score
- petit four
- phytochlore
- phytosaur
- picture ore
- pinbefore
- piscivore
- pliosaur
- plumping for
- pocket door
- polypore
- presentor
- presses for
- pressure sore
- promissor
- provedore
- providore
- pseudopore
- pterosaur
- public store
- put down for
- put in for
- puts before
- puts in for
- pylagore
- racket store
- raking shore
- rally for
- raspador
- re-explore
- red lead ore
- red zinc ore
- reexplore
- resting spore
- retail store
- rise of floor
- roncador
- rule of four
- ryotwar
- saddle sore
- salvador
- salvage corps
- samuel hoare
- say no more
- scolecospore
- scream out for
- second-drawer
- selangor
- send off for
- send out for
- sends off for
- sends out for
- sent off for
- sent out for
- settles for
- ship of war
- shooting war
- shop the store
- show the door
- showed the door
- shown the door
- shows the door
- sidewalk door
- signing for
- simple ore
- singapore
- sixty-four
- sloop of war
- sloops of war
- so much for
- sooty ore
- speak well for
- springing for
- stand up for
- standard score
- stands up for
- state of war
- states of war
- stegosaur
- stick out for
- stick up for
- sticks out for
- sticks up for
- stinging for
- stood up for
- strong mayor
- stuck out for
- stuck up for
- sulphur ore
- summer spore
- swearing for
- sweeping score
- sweet-and-sour
- take the floor
- takes the floor
- team of four
- ten-cent store
- the cold war
- the peace corps
- thirty-four
- this means war
- three cheers for
- through the floor
- tidal bore
- to die for
- to the fore
- took the floor
- tortoise-core
- travancore
- trichopore
- tronador
- tubipore
- tug-of-war
- tugs-of-war
- twenty-four
- two-by-four
- unasked for
- undershore
- volador
- vouching for
- wash ashore
- weak mayor
- weather door
- weather shore
- went in for
- whiggamore
- white lead ore
- wicket door
- winter spore
- withoutdoor
- would kill for
- write off for
- writes off for
- wrote off for
4 syllables
- accounted for
- accounting for
- allowing for
- conquistador
- convenience store
- department store
- forevermore
- general store
- going before
- grocery store
- hereinbefore
- kinetochore
- kwashiorkor
- patio door
- provided for
- providing for
- revolving door
- settling for
- ambitious for
- bargaining for
- caveator
- company store
- thereinbefore
- aage n. bohr
- aage niels bohr
- acanthopore
- acetochlor
- adpromissor
- air commodore
- anemochore
- answer the door
- anthracosaur
- anthropochore
- apatosaur
- appraiser's store
- at our door
- atriopore
- badly off for
- bang the drum for
- be curtains for
- be into for
- be spoiling for
- be spoken for
- beat the drum for
- bell-metal ore
- bhubaneshwar
- bhubaneswar
- blue copper ore
- bog iron ore
- brachiosaur
- branchiosaur
- bringing before
- brown iron ore
- cape bojador
- cast about for
- cast around for
- casts about for
- casts around for
- chandernagore
- chrome iron ore
- circumferentor
- closing the door
- coelurosaur
- coming in for
- consignment store
- cotylosaur
- council of war
- dactylopore
- declaring for
- dennis gabor
- detritivore
- do nothing for
- dolichosaur
- double-framed floor
- double-swing door
- dry-bone ore
- el salvador
- elasmosaur
- enaliosaur
- esprit de corps
- even the score
- exclusive or
- expromissor
- false albacore
- feel sorry for
- feet in the door
- felt sorry for
- foot in the door
- fredericks d'or
- frederik d'or
- frederiks d'or
- full credit for
- gabriel faure
- german bezoar
- give a plug for
- go to bat for
- goes to bat for
- going in for
- gone to bat for
- gray copper ore
- great albacore
- gustave dore
- had it in for
- has it in for
- have a head for
- have feelings for
- have got news for
- have it in for
- have no use for
- have to thank for
- hedge accentor
- held a brief for
- her heart bleeds for
- hippocentaur
- his heart bleeds for
- hold a brief for
- holds a brief for
- honors of war
- ichthyosaur
- ictidosaur
- inside the door
- kafr ad dawwar
- laboring oar
- lake elsinore
- limited war
- listen out for
- listened out for
- listens out for
- looking out for
- macrozoospore
- made amends for
- make a bolt for
- make a break for
- make a dash for
- make a dive for
- make a grab for
- make a name for
- make a play for
- make a run for
- make amends for
- makes amends for
- making good for
- mean curtains for
- megalopore
- megalosaur
- megazoospore
- microzoospore
- multiple store
- my heart bleeds for
- not do much for
- not much call for
- odoriphore
- on the hook for
- on the watch for
- one's heart bleeds for
- onocentaur
- open doors for
- open the door
- outside the door
- overhung door
- palaeosaur
- paleosaur
- pave the way for
- peachblossom ore
- pelycosaur
- perils of war
- phialopore
- phytobezoar
- piano score
- pilibezoar
- pioneer bore
- plesiosaur
- poor excuse for
- prepositor
- prisoners of war
- proganosaur
- proterosaur
- protorosaur
- putting before
- putting in for
- rear commodore
- reassertor
- red copper ore
- red iron ore
- red roncador
- red silver ore
- revolving-door
- sad excuse for
- san salvador
- sao salvador
- scelidosaur
- second world war
- see to the door
- seek revenge for
- send away for
- sending off for
- sending out for
- sends away for
- sent away for
- settle a score
- settle the score
- seventy-four
- sexual spore
- show her the door
- show him the door
- show it the door
- show me the door
- show one the door
- show them the door
- show to the door
- show us the door
- show you the door
- showed her the door
- showed him the door
- showed it the door
- showed me the door
- showed them the door
- showed us the door
- showed you the door
- showing me the door
- showing the door
- shown her the door
- shown him the door
- shown it the door
- shown me the door
- shown them the door
- shown us the door
- shown you the door
- shows her the door
- shows him the door
- shows it the door
- shows me the door
- shows them the door
- shows us the door
- shows you the door
- sir samuel hoare
- sir thomas more
- sotomayor
- spare a thought for
- speak poorly for
- spell curtains for
- standing up for
- sticking out for
- sticking up for
- taken the floor
- taking the floor
- teleosaur
- the boy next door
- the girl next door
- the marine corps
- the only for
- the same goes for
- their heart bleeds for
- their hearts bleed for
- thermophosphor
- through the back door
- titanosaur
- touch someone for
- trichobezoar
- tubulipore
- tyrannosaur
- venetian door
- walk out the door
- went to bat for
- western bezoar
- white sycamore
- writing off for
- written off for
- yellow lead ore
- your heart bleeds for
- your hearts bleed for
- zygozoospore
5 syllables
- apologize for
- unaccounted for
- diplomatic corps
- interior door
- a foot in the door
- aigialosaur
- animalivore
- argentinosaur
- asymmetric war
- baron de la warr
- be a great one for
- be sickening for
- benoit de sainte-maure
- blastoneuropore
- capilla mayor
- carry all before
- casting about for
- casting around for
- combination door
- contraband of war
- dark red silver ore
- darken someone's door
- david baltimore
- departmental store
- do a favor for
- duck-billed dinosaur
- duckbill dinosaur
- exterior door
- feeling sorry for
- fidepromissor
- francois-felix faure
- go to the stake for
- going to bat for
- gray manganese ore
- had a soft spot for
- has a soft spot for
- have a soft spot for
- have an eye out for
- have her eye out for
- have his eye out for
- have one's eye out for
- have their eye out for
- having it in for
- holding a brief for
- if it were not for
- in contention for
- in on the ground floor
- industrial store
- keep a lookout for
- keep a watch out for
- keep an eye out for
- keep her eye out for
- keep his eye out for
- keep one's eye out for
- keep one's eyes peeled for
- keep their eye out for
- keeps a lookout for
- keeps one's eyes peeled for
- kept a lookout for
- kept one's eyes peeled for
- let oneself in for
- light red silver ore
- listening out for
- lopez obrador
- make a beeline for
- make allowance for
- making amends for
- more than a match for
- national seashore
- needle iron ore
- nephridiopore
- netherlands timor
- not a penny more
- on the lookout for
- only have eyes for
- oriental sore
- our hearts bleed for
- owen lattimore
- pareiasaur
- paul-gustave dore
- principle of war
- prisoner of war
- privilege of the floor
- purple copper ore
- put in a plug for
- put someone down for
- richmond lattimore
- ruby copper ore
- ruby silver ore
- secondary spore
- send away to for
- sending away for
- sends away to for
- sent away to for
- show someone the door
- showed someone the door
- showing her the door
- showing him the door
- showing it the door
- showing them the door
- showing us the door
- showing you the door
- shown someone the door
- shows someone the door
- someone's spirits soar
- sorry excuse for
- spathic iron ore
- sulfur polypore
- the factory floor
- the same thing goes for
- theater of war
- theaters of war
- theatre of war
- theatres of war
- thomas wilson dorr
- variety store
- vegetable bezoar
- what is waiting for?
- without regard for
- yellow copper ore
6 syllables
- all's fair in love and war
- asymmetrical war
- avian dinosaur
- be into someone for
- be on the lookout for
- beat a path to your door
- been down that road before
- been down this road before
- been on the lookout for
- careful what you wish for
- decide in favor for
- declaration of war
- gabriel-urbain faure
- get her foot in the door
- get his foot in the door
- get in on the ground floor
- get one's foot in the door
- get their foot in the door
- golden-crowned accentor
- gone down that road before
- gone down this road before
- have a high regard for
- have someone to thank for
- have something to thank for
- having a soft spot for
- if it had not been for
- in preparation for
- is on the lookout for
- keep one's eyes open for
- keep the wolf from the door
- keeping a lookout for
- keeping one's eyes peeled for
- keeps one's eyes open for
- kept one's eyes open for
- leave the door open for
- light ruby silver ore
- magnetic iron ore
- make no allowance for
- make some allowance for
- micaceous iron ore
- not have any use for
- on the cutting-room floor
- on the factory floor
- oriental bezoar
- out of contention for
- pick up the cudgels for
- portuguese man-of-war
- portuguese men-of-war
- secretary at war
- see someone to the door
- semicircumferentor
- sending away to for
- show someone to the door
- showing someone the door
- sonia sotomayor
- specular iron ore
- take up the cudgels for
- that goes double for
- there is to be said for
- titanic iron ore
- was on the lookout for
- were on the lookout for
- yellow-fin roncador
- yellow-finned roncador
- you get what you pay for
7 syllables
- arizona sycamore
- be careful what you wish for
- being on the lookout for
- california sycamore
- carry everything before
- have a lot to answer for
- keeping one's eyes open for
- make no apologies for
- newfoundland and labrador
- non-avian dinosaur
- nonavian dinosaur
- octahedral iron ore
- rhombohedral iron ore
- send away to someone for
- sends away to someone for
- sent away to someone for
- sir samuel john gurney hoare
- variegated copper ore
- what is someone waiting for?