Rhymes with francoism

52 Results
fascism /xx Noun
reign of terror ///x Phrase, Noun
terrorism /xxx Noun
dictatorship x/xx Noun
dictatorship of the proletariat x/xx/xxx/xx Phrase, Noun
dominate /xx Verb
totalitarianism xxx/xxxx Noun
Kultur /x Name
royalist /xx Noun
despotism /xxx Noun
factionalism /xxxx Noun
perestroika xx/x Noun
colonialism x/xxxx Noun
Abdullah x/x Name
abortion x/x Noun
Adenauer /xx Name
Ames / Name
Amin x/ Name
Angola x/x Name
apocalypse x/xx Noun
Arafat /xx Name
Armstrong /x Name
Arnold /x Name
Assyrian x/xx Adjective, Name
Atlanta x/x Name