play video between you and i or me
Commonly Confused

I vs. Me

'Between you and __'? Simple guidance for a tricky pronoun.

'Between you and __'? Simple guidance for a tricky pronoun.

Up next

play video between you and i or me
I vs. Me


'Between you and __'? Simple guidance for a tricky pronoun.

play merriam-webster eggcorns title page
What Is an Eggcorn?


And how did it get that name?

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'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'?


We're gonna stop you right there

play serenity carr next to an illustration of a refrigerator with the letter d in it
Why is there a 'd' in 'fridge' but not in 'refrigerator'?


Thawing one of the mysteries of English

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How a Ghost Word Appeared in the Dictionary


An imaginary word that snuck into the dictionary

play contractions
On Contractions of Multiple Words


You all would not have guessed some of these

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How Do You Pronounce 'Groceries'?


Is there one standard way?