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Est. 1828
Word History (page 4)
'Wholistic': A Natural Evolution Of 'Holistic'
The 'w' brings the meaning full circle.
We're Just 'Spitballing' Here...
It's not just about pranks anymore.
How 'Premises' Came to Mean 'Property'
It goes back to the beginning
Breathing Life Into 'Inspire'
The word's origins are quite literal
'So Long': A Common But Mysterious Goodbye
Its origins are surprisingly murky.
A New Kind of 'Social'?
Disrupting the human interaction business
Drawing a Conclusion About 'Sketchy'
How did "sketchy" come to describe creeps?
How 'Wonderful' Lost Its Sense of Wonder
A case of semantic bleaching
What's the Plural of 'Maitre d''?
Use this word to confuse a French speaker.
Running After the History of 'Lackey'
Are lackeys lacking something?
How Brooding Chickens Brought Us Brooding Skies
No, the chickens aren't moody
The Silent History of 'Parlor'
Let's talk about it.
'Mickey Mouse' Isn't Always Complimentary
In the end, he is a mouse...
'Cartoon': Not Just For Kids
From fine art to Flinstones.
Our (Almost) Final Word on 'Penultimate'
The ultimate guide to using penultimate.
The Grammatical History of 'Awaken' / 'Awoken' / 'Awakened'
Or you can just go back to bed.
'Drought' & 'Drouth' Take Us Back In Time
A variant spelling with a long history
A Nun's 'Habit' & A Mini-Skirt
They have more in common than you might think.
Our Verdict on 'Judgy'
Will word nerds judge you for this?
Words of the Year: 1066
English was never the same after the Norman Conquest
Had a Long Day of Travel? Check Into a Hospital
Four related words that share a single root
'Tantalizing': The Word's Origin in Greek Myth
A brief history of infernal frustration
'Patriot' Hasn't Always Been Positive
The word has roots in a religious rivalry
A Pineapple Is An Apple (Kind Of)
Pineapple once had a different, more internationally common name.
Read This to Get 'Smart'
A thinking person's guide
Get Ready To (Define) Splurge
Celebrate National Splurge Day
Looking at 'Booty'
(The word)
Grocery's Boozy History
'Grocery' once meant "barroom."
An 'Invaluable' Lesson
You can't put a price on it
Smash Hit Packs a Punch
No one was injured in the making of this phrase
Of 'Nunchucks' And Nuns
If a nunchuck could chuck…
Become a True Dictionary Buff
Don't make the dictionary into something it is not.
Why Laser Doesn't Have a 'Z'
You're going to be the smartest person at laser tag
Keep Calm and Harp On
No, we won't leave you alone.
How English Got Frenchified
And wound up with pairs of words—one fancy, one not—for the same things
A New Dictionary for a New President
JFK and Webster's Third
Body Slam's Surprising Start
Body slams were once part of an unexpected sport
Read on to Become Part of the Dictionary 'Illuminati'
Secrets will be revealed.
How 'Namaste' Entered The English Language
"I bow to you"
Notes on 'Campy'
Plus: how to use n'importe in a sentence
What is 'Sin'?
It's striking how little this word has changed
The History of 'Blackmail'
The ‘mail’ means “payment” or “rent”
The History of 'Bran(d)-new'
'Spanking' and 'fire' are involved
Something Wicked: The Story of an Adverb
It's a New England thing
Ella Fitzgerald: Beyond Words
Making sense of Lady Ella's scat singing
What does 'shebang' mean?
Is it a dwelling place? A vehicle? Yes.
What Does It Mean to Be 'Presidential'?
The word is older than the U.S. presidency
Have We Become Oblivious of 'Oblivious'?
From 'forgetful' to 'unaware'
It Takes Two: The History of 'Rival'
Rivalry was originally about water rights
Breaking Bread with 'Companion'
A word in good company
The Lost Meanings of 'Farm' and 'Farmer'
Because money doesn't grow on trees
The History of 'Girn'
Plus: why people didn't 'grin' until the 1600s
Your 'Deadline' Won't Kill You
Or will it?
A Tale of Two 'Repairs'
Some problems of English spelling can't be fixed
Why do we call it a 'train'?
The 'clothing' meaning came first
Merriam-Webster and LACMA: Words and Pictures
When a dictionary talks to a museum
How did 'gridlock' move so quickly?
The word is relatively new
How a Mistake Gave Us the Word 'Cherry'
Errors made our language what it is
The Colorful History of 'Miniature'
The word wasn't originally about size
Why Do We Say 'Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve'?
The answer may come from medieval jousts
How the 'Ring Finger' Got Its Name
Leeches and earwax
Where Does the Word 'Trivia' Come From?
You may be quizzed on this later
How did English get so salty?
A short history involving sailors
Why Don't We Call It 'Woodchuck Day'?
The history of 'Groundhog Day'
The Hirsute History of 'Horror'
'Horror' is a hairy situation
'Whiskey' and 'Whisky' and Alchemy
Thank the alchemists
The Origin of 'Inaugurate'
It's all about telling what the future holds
How the Toilet Got Its Name
It shares a root with the noun 'toil'
'Humble Pie', 'Sass', and 7 More Words that Meant Something Different in Colonial America
Times—and the language—were different back then
The Origin of 'Refugee'
It originally referred to the Huguenots
'Whole Milk', 'British English', and 16 More Retronyms
New(er) words for old things
How the Ukulele Got Its Name
An insect was (inadvertently) involved
The Erstwhile Meaning of 'Erstwhile'
The word can mean either 'former' or 'formerly'
It's 'Kismet'
This article is your destiny
The Putrid Origin of 'Potpourri'
It shares a root with 'putrescent'
The Odd History of 'Odd'
The word comes to us from geography
Why does 'indifferent' have so many meanings?
How to differentiate between them
Why Did We Stop Using 'Thou'?
The controversy over singular 'you'
The Culinary Roots of 'Farce'
It's related to something called 'forcemeat'
The History of the Word 'Villain'
Villains are scarier than they used to be
The Origin of 'Halloween.' Or 'Hallowe'en'?
Don't be scared of that apostrophe
What's Wrong with 'Donate'?
People used to really hate this word
A Word for Halloween: Scarify
Use this word. We dare you.
Does 'bashful' mean "full of bash"?
What is 'bash,' anyway?
The History Behind 8 Halloween Words
These words haunt us
Is 'bookworm' positive or negative?
Are bookworms devoted or addicted?
Hot Mess
Our research turned up two archaic literal meanings
The Strange History of 'Ragamuffin'
The word is linked to two fall holidays
The History of 'Jack-O'-Lantern'
How the jack-o'-lantern got its name
'Narrowcasting' vs. 'Broadcasting'
When a broadcast is aimed at a narrow audience
The Racist Origins of 'Tipping Point'
No, Malcolm Gladwell didn't invent it
'Venom' and the Goddess of Love
Who knew 'venom' could be so lovely?
The Original Hipsters
Hint: they carried things on their hips
Where does 'spitting image' come from?
And what about 'splitting image'?
'Mall': It's Not Just for Shopping
It used to be all fun and games
The History of 'Swank'
Champagne. Chandeliers. Robert Burns.
10 'Rude' Words From Old Etiquette Guides
Rule 1, never say 'thanks'
'Has your mother sold her mangle?' Slang and the Dictionary
Giving you the skinny on the history of slang in the dictionary
Infographic: How a Word Gets Into the Dictionary
See? It's easy
The Secret Histories of 'Catastrophe,' 'Debacle,' and More
'Tragedy' didn't always mean "disaster"
'Chef': the Word We Borrowed Twice
This article is our chef d'oeuvre
The Hairy History of 'Sideburns'
Lousy general. Amazing hair.
When Did 'Campaign' Become Political?
From the French word for 'countryside'
Get Schooled on 'School'
Two history lessons on 'school'
A Brief History of 'Hack'
This word gets a lot of mileage
A Look Back at 'Throwback'
It's not just for Thursdays
The Wriggly History of 'Earworm'
I just can't get you out of my head
How a Saint Gave Us the Word 'Tawdry'
A tawdry history
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