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Est. 1828
Word History (page 5)
10 Words That Prove Fame Isn't Everything
Not all publicity is good
Did Warren Harding Coin 'Normalcy'?
Umm...define 'normalcy'
Why Do We Handle Something 'With Kid Gloves?'
No children were harmed
This Word is Rigged
The hidden origins of 'rigged'
What does 'nice' mean, anyway?
Polysemy in action
'Luxury' Originally Meant 'Lust'
"They lived in luxury"
What's the 'Desert' in 'Desert Island'?
It's not a desert—it's deserted
The Non-Apology 'Apology'
Non-apologies are nothing new
'Tabby': The Cat's Out of the Bag
And the bag is made of silk
The History of 'Glamour'
Its original allure was decidedly bookish
The Surprising History of 'Genial'
You'll look at it differently after this
No, Jane Austen Did Not Invent Baseball
The word dates back at least as far as the 1740s
The History of 'Pants'
"Vulgar exceedingly"
Where Does the Phrase 'Spruce Up' Come From?
It's not what you might assume
What is a Malaprop?
We'll tell you all the perpendiculars
The Secret History of 'Staycation'
New research reveals that the word is older than we thought
The Whimsical Delight of the Clerihew
Poems for smiling
Why do we call it a 'dollar'?
The origin and history of the dollar
Everyone Loves a 'Parade'
You aren't prepared for this word's origin
Is Junk an Adjective or a Noun?
Plus the history of the word "junk"
Yes, 'overwhelm' came first
The Original Meaning of 'Prestigious'
It's tricky
6 Truly Terrible Definitions
It's not as easy as it looks, okay?
How We Write Our Definitions
Lexical defining vs. real defining
The First Parasite
The first one may have received an invitation
How Long Did it Take to Write the Dictionary?
An astonishing achievement
It's all fun and games until somebody gets spoofed
Where does the term 'spinster' come from?
Spoiler: patriarchy
The Gruesome History of 'Shambles'
The word has a bloody past
Dictionaries at War: Armed Services Editions
"A few square inches of home"
Why Do We Use the Phrase 'Hard Core'?
From one kind of rock to another
Where Does 'Taps' Come From?
Why we play 'taps' at military funerals
Are 'Factoids' the Same as 'Facts'?
An invented word for invented facts
Notes on 'Scandal'
The word has a shocking history
The History of 'Boggle' Will Boggle Your Mind
It shares an origin with 'bogeyman'
The History of the Word 'Xenophobia'
The word's not as old as you think
The History of 'High Jinks'
What's the meaning of all this?
What do we mean by 'the distaff side'?
From flax to the family tree
Playing the --- Card
The origins of a popular phrase
Where Does the Word 'Delegate' Come From?
The Politics of Red Meat
The juicy truth about 'red meat'
'Air Rage' and 6 Other Terms From Aviation
Come fly with us
Where Does the Name 'Cappuccino' Come From?
You'll never look at your coffee the same way again
Why Do We Say 'Put up Your Dukes'?
Eighty-six? Raspberry?
Unpacking the Word 'Unpack'
It was good enough for Hamlet
The History of Fun
Can you imagine life before fun?
What Kind of Word is 'Galore'?
Theories galore
The True Story of the Backward Index
These people needed a computer
How 'Brainstorm' Got Better
The crazy history of 'brainstorming'
What's a snollygoster?
Even lexicographers are wrong sometimes
What Does 'Canvass' Mean?
Yes, it's related to 'canvas'
Could Downton Abbey Characters Go 'Over to the Dark Side'?
We're cautiously optimistic
When Did 'Politician' Become a Dirty Word?
Even politicians don't like it
An old name for 'leap day'
Why Do We Call It 'Swag'?
'Loot' or 'stylish confidence'?
Antonin Scalia v. Merriam-Webster
The time Scalia took on the dictionary
'Caucus': A Curious American Word
Caulkers? Caucauasu? C.A.U.C.U.S.?
That's Dope: 5 Drug Words Gone Mainstream
Like a chocoholic, but for booze
Saturday Special
What makes Saturday different from the other days of the week?
We're Going Rogue
A phrase once reserved for elephant behavior, is now often used to describe a kind of political animal
Roget's Thesaurus
The landmark book reveals the work of a remarkable intelligence
The Long History of the Phrase 'Civil Rights'
Used in English for more than 400 years
Cousin Isobel on Downton Abbey has a new title
New Year's Resolutions: A Pretty Old Practice
New year, new you?
Star Words
Star Wars words in the dictionary
How the Turkey Got Its Name
The strange global travels of America's favorite Thanksgiving meal
Words Unfit for Office
The ‘flubs' that got presidents (and candidates) in trouble with the critics
A Doozy of a Story
The Origin of Doozy Isn't What You Think
Surprising Words from the 1920s
Robots, "Atom Bombs," and "Rocket Ships" Were All Born in the Jazz Age
Figment: You Can't Make This Up!
Or Can You?
The Mystery of the Backward Index
Why would anyone type out 315,000 words spelled in reverse?
Slang Goes Legit
What we can learn from the 'language weeds' of 100 years ago
Gruntle, Burgle, and Commentates
The entertaining history and usage of back-formations
Egregious: Meaning and History
From Remarkably Good to Shockingly Bad
What Does "Jiggery-Pokery" Mean?
Antonin Scalia's Unapologetic Use of Rhyming Reduplication
How 'Doughnut' Became 'Donut'
What's your favorite?
Still Often Used After All These Years
Definition and Synonyms of "Albeit"
Is Being Called Tenacious a Good Thing?
The Definition of "Tenacious"
How 'Thru' Turned Into 'Through'
And Then to 'Thru' Again
Drones Are Everywhere Now
But How Did They Get Their Name?
Where Did the Definition of 'Tact' Come From?
The meaning is easy – the practice is harder
The Shared History of Dissimilar Words
Incumbent, Succumb, and Recumbent
The Curious History of 'Filibuster'
The Curious History of "Filibuster"
How We Got Different Words From Common Roots
Doublets: English's Nonidentical Twins
How a Word For "Blood" Came to Mean "Optimistic"
The Odd History of "Sanguine"
Why do we quit 'cold turkey'?
Explaining A Common Phrase That Makes No Sense
Spam. A Lot of Spam.
How Spam Became Something On Your Phone, Not On Your Plate
It's Not You, It's Me
The Oldest Line In the Book Isn't Really That Old
The Shady Past of "Shoo-Ins"
How We Got from Cheating to Awards Season
Turns Out You Can Unboil An Egg
The history of the word 'unboil'
Older Than They Look: 'Hipster,' 'Ghosting,' and More
They may sound new, but words like 'hipster', 'rap', and 'ginormous' have a surprisingly long history.
Webster's Dictionary of 1864
The landmark edition that transformed the way dictionaries are made.
The History of 'Cynic'
How an ancient philosophical movement devoted to the pursuit of virtue came to describe eye-rolling criticism.
Teflon, "Gunk," & More: Products That Became Words
Top 10 Words from Trademarks, Vol. 2
10 Words That Come from 'Mother'
'Metropolis', 'matrix', and more
How 'Punk Rock' Got Its Name
Top 10 Words of the '70s
Who Gave 'Ritzy' All That Style?
Top 10 Words from People's Names
Top 10 Words of the '90s
The decade of dot-com and d'oh
Top 10 Words Born in Conflict
When did the 'Riot Act' first get read?
14 Phobias You Probably Haven't Heard Of
Words for uncommon fears
5 of 5
Can you solve 4 words at once?
Can you solve 4 words at once?
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